Podcasts :/> Agricultural Science - knowledge compact

    Alpine pasture management adapted to the location provides valuable ecosystem services - 71st Podcast

    Important ecosystem services and their importance for biodiversity!

    Alpine pastures are very important in the Austrian mountain regions. Around 300,000 hectares of alpine pastures are cultivated, which corresponds to over 10% of the agriculturally used area. Well-managed alpine pastures provide valuable ecosystem services.

    You can find out what these are and what is important in site-adapted use of alpine pastures in this “Agricultural Science Knowledge Compact” podcast episode. In conversation with Priv.-Doz. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder takes us to Dr. Andreas Bohner takes us to our alpine pastures and explains important connections. Listen in and take a mental trip to the mountain regions with us!


    Find out from Dr. Andreas Bohner what is meant by ecosystem services and how important our alpine pastures are for maintaining these ecosystem services - just listen or watch:



    In this podcast episode, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder with Dr. Andreas Bohner about the importance of alpine pastures in relation to our ecosystem - just take a look:


    Image gallery for the podcast



    Cows on the mountain pasture

    Cows on the mountain pasture

     (c) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, A. Bohner