Variety of vegetables
(C) Wolfgang Palme

Alternative Approaches to Vegetable Growing - 42nd Podcast

(c) Johannes Hloch

Alternative Approaches to Vegetable Growing - 42nd Podcast

Growing vegetables in times of climate change - what should you consider?

No matter whether you have a green thumb, are an (experienced) gardener, a consumer, a farmer: there is something inspiring for everyone to discover here about growing vegetables .

With decades of experience and impressive knowledge, Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Palme from the HBLFA for Horticulture in Schönbrunn put numerous innovations into practice. His commitment to organic vegetable farming and his love for nature have also made him a thought leader in vegetable growing.
The location of the podcast recording is also significant – the Cityfarm Augarten in the middle of Vienna. During the course of the conversation, the long-awaited rain began - so it was a little audible in the glass house.

 In this podcast episode Priv.-Doz. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder with Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Palme from HBLFA Schönbrunn introduced vegetable cultivation.


Here for you is the full conversation from our head of research and innovation, PD Dr. Andreas Steinwidder with Dipl. Ing. Wolfgang Palme on the topic of “Alternative approaches to vegetable production in the context of climate change” in full length:

Further information on the subject of vegetable growing


Further documents: 

HBLFA Schönbrunn