Science Day at MS Irdning in Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Climate Change and Land Use - Resilience & Adaptation On 24/25. In October 2023, DI Renate Mayer organized a Science Day for the 3rd grades of the Irdning middle school on the topic of climate change and land use, assessment and...

25 years and longer...

Honorary ceremony of the Chamber of Agricultural Workers in Raumberg On November 4th, 2023, the honorary ceremony of the Chamber of Agricultural Workers in Styria took place in the autumnally decorated Grimming Hall of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein. Requirement for every 5 years...


Excursion from Denmark to the Moarhof

Students from the Kalø Organic Farming College from Denmark visited, among other things, the organic institute at the Trautenfels location as part of an excursion.


Event calendar - registration and programs

Here you will find all events / conferences / seminars of the last and next months at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein. Clicking on the link will take you to further information and the registration form. - We look forward to your...


Results of the “Farm4More” life project

Both climate change and the increasing demand for animal-based foods represent significant challenges for society and agriculture. Food and feed production is also...


Bio-Institute network hub

The HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein Bio-Institute is a network hub for research, teaching, advice and practice. On September 28, 2023, the meeting of the Austrian...


Raise and improve cow comfort with “FarmLife-Welfare”.

As part of the Austria-wide seminar “Raise and improve cow comfort”, which took place on September 20, 2023 at the LFS Pyhra, the FarmLife Welfare tool developed at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein was presented. After a...


1st Ennstal Horse Forum - program and registration online

The 1st Ennstal Horse Forum on Friday, October 13th, 2023 represents an innovation in the event area of ​​the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein. This afternoon, with practical demonstrations and specialist lectures, a unified space for...


High-level CAP delegation visits Raumberg-Gumpenstein

On Friday, September 29, 2023, we had the honor of welcoming representatives of the European Commission, Directorate General for Agriculture and the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management...


Satellite-based classification of meadow types developed

Project "MeadowTypes" - Satellite-based classification of meadow types successfully completed Together with Joanneum Research, the MeadowTypes digitization project was successfully completed at the Institute for Plant Production and Cultural Landscape...

KLILASZ - Climate protection and agricultural scenarios

The KLILASZ project, which began in 2021 under the leadership of the Austrian Institute for Economic Research (WIFO) and with the participation of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein and the Institute for Sustainable Economic Development (INWE) at BOKU...

Soil life and microbial growth

Results from the Gumpenstein test facility in "Nature Communications" In the globally unique ClimGrass facility at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein in Irdning, the expected climate changes of the future are simulated and their...


Moor excursion impressions 2023

On September 20th and 21st, 2023, the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein held a moorland excursion in Upper Styria. The following moors were visited: Obersdorfer Moor, Ödensee Moor, Pürgschachen Moor, Wörschacher Moos, moors and Schwingrasen...

The next diploma course to become an instructor in functional claw care is in the starting blocks

It's almost that time again - the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein is organizing the next diploma course to become an “instructor in functional claw care” in cooperation with European Hoofcare!

Looked at the cow's mouth

Making a virtue out of necessity - it was not possible to take part in the Swiss conference, which is why this short film was created for the visitors to the conference and for us: “Looking at the cow in the mouth!” The speaker gallops quickly...

GPS pasture animal tracking - 1st workshop

The first workshop on equipping grazing animals with GPS transmitters deals with the practical application and communicating the state of the art to practitioners. Date postponed to January 26, 2024 program


Moor excursion 2023

Among terrestrial ecosystems, intact moors and moorland soils are by far the best carbon stores. However, moors and litter meadows are also valuable from a cultural and historical perspective and from a nature conservation perspective. They provide living space for many...

Job offers at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

We need reinforcements - The following jobs are currently advertised. The prerequisite for all advertised positions is a valid work permit in the EEA area. Educator (v2/2) - parental leave replacement - full-time (caring for young people...

Climate Change Adaptation - Education and Advisory Tools

Climate Change Adaptation - Focus Climate change affects agriculture! According to climate forecasts, temperatures will continue to rise and precipitation will be less and less distributed. Adjustments to the...

Agri-environmental services through results-based and collective contract solutions

The EU project CONSOLE, launched in 2019, aims to develop contract solutions for the effective and long-term provision of public goods in the areas of environmental protection and climate protection by the agricultural and...

The “Greenhouse-efficient organic milk production” project is entering its second phase

The first part of the “Greenhouse Gas Efficient Organic Milk Production” project - developing greenhouse gas reduction options on organic dairy farms - is successfully behind us, and we are now entering the second phase. Started in the year...

Internship at the Institute for Animals, Technology and Environment

This year we were able to complete our practical training in the research area of ​​the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein in the Institute for Animal Husbandry, Technology and Environment. We were primarily assigned to the Animal Husbandry Systems, Technology & Emissions department and...


EU4 Shepherds project on the home stretch

Innovative training for sheepherders and sustainable pasture management - instruments for sustainable management of rural areas based on best practice examples in selected EU countries From 2019-2023...

Rottenmann Children's Academy 2023

As part of the Raumberg-Gumpenstein research workshop, 10-12 year old young researchers visited us on July 21, 2023 on the topic of “Energy in Agriculture”. Exciting experiments from the research projects on the topics...

Downloads of the Moor Conference 2023 are online

On June 27th and 28th, 2023, the moor conference took place at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein in the form of a webinar. The primary goal of this conference was an exchange of experiences between agriculture and nature conservation. As part of this event with around...

New ÖAG information for agriculture - animal observation with sensor systems

The world is becoming more and more digital and our farms can also benefit from it.

New ÖAG information for agriculture - grazing young cattle

Optimal breeding is the prerequisite for healthy, productive and long-lived cattle.

Awarding of decorations and professional titles

On June 23, 2023, a former employee (Theresia Rieder) and two former employees (Ing. Reinhard Wolf and Ing. Anton Schauer), in the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management,...


The grassland often reaches its limits - grazing in dry phases

How to deal with the pasture on the organic farm when drought pushes the grassland to its limits?

The Diversity Handbook is back!

The Austrian Board of Trustees for Agricultural Technology and Rural Development (ÖKL) has reissued the brochure “Rare Farm Animal Breeds”. The now 5th edition has been completely updated and supplemented (ÖKL series LTS 231). At 42...

Student day at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

The transfer of knowledge between research and school plays a crucial role in making the latest findings and solutions in various areas accessible to students. The networking between research and teaching has therefore...

OÖ LK President at the Bio-Institut

Franz Waldenberger visited the organic farming site in Lambach/Stadl-Paura and found out about research in the field of legumes.

Cattle slaughter in Gumpenstein

Meat doesn't have it easy. In the media we are often confronted with the fact that meat is unhealthy and that meat production is damaging our climate. The topic of animal welfare has also reached the center of society and is often...