Research must not be an end in itself

What are the priorities of the new director Johann Gasteiner in the school and research area of ​​the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein? This current interview with our director Dr. Johann Gasteiner was in “Neues Land” on November 25th, 2021...

Soil on the test bench - soil compaction

The aim is to determine soil compaction - a frequently used measurement is the storage density. This, in turn, is essential for calculating carbon and nutrient reserves in the soil.


Award for apprentice Florian Kern

Florian Kern was assigned to the “Institute for Organic Agriculture & Livestock Biodiversity” during his training as an agricultural skilled worker at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein.


EIP project SaLuT – Clean air in animal production

High emissions and the resulting immissions regularly lead to conflicts with neighbors and pose the challenge for Austrian livestock farming to ensure environmentally friendly and at the same time animal welfare...

Awarding of badges of honor and merit

On October 27, 2021, Federal Minister Elisabeth Köstinger presented medals of honor and merit as well as professional titles.

Automatic milking system in the cattle research barn

It is important for research to keep up with the times. We therefore decided at the Institute for Livestock Research to convert the milking system from a double 4-tandem milking parlor to an automatic milking system. At the beginning of the year...

Alpine lysimeter station at Stoderzinken

On Tuesday, October 19, 2021, it was that time again when the Environmental Ecology department set about making the alpine lysimeter station at 1800m above sea level on Stoderzinken winter-ready.

Second diploma course for instructors in functional hoof care

Six hoof trimmers from Austria, Germany and Luxembourg are taking part in this year's course, which is being carried out by the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein in collaboration with European Hoofcare.

Agriculture as an image in your head

An image analysis of the Styrian population regarding their assessment of the current situation

Between yield and biodiversity

In the “Dimensions” series on Ö1, Lukas Tremetsberger has put together a contribution about grassland.

School meets research in Lambach/Stadl-Paura

As part of the plant cultivation lesson, Matura class 5 L visited on September 30th on an excursion with their teacher Prof. DI Dr. Herbert Schwarz the location of the Bio-Institut in Lambach/Stadl-Paura.

2nd Lungau Horse Symposium

Under the motto “Healthy and strong through species-rich hay & horses in the forest” a hybrid conference dedicated to horses took place on Saturday, October 2nd, 2021 at the Tamsweg Agricultural College. This event was held in...


Mob Grazing – The grazing solution in times of drought?

The American grazing strategy of mob grazing is also finding its way into our regions. This type of grazing is particularly promising in dry conditions.

The Gumpenstein test areas are buzzing

Since April 2021, three bee colonies have been located at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein test field and are looked after by employees of the Institute for Plant Production and Cultural Landscape.

Nutrient source atmosphere - comparison of collection systems in the Stoderzinken alpine ecosystem

Alpine farming is part of Austrian mountain agriculture and makes important contributions to resource protection.

Contribution to methane emissions in 3Sat Nano from September 15, 2021

Methane emissions are one of the research focuses of the Institute for Livestock Research at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein.

Feeding value of invasive neophytes?

Due to the rapidly increasing and high proportions of structural substances (NDF: 450 to 700 g/kg DM) and lignin (ADL: 70 to 150 g/kg DM), the feed quality of the three selected neophyte species is comparable to moderate...

On the occasion of the retirement of HR Director Dr. Anton Hausleitner

On July 30, 2021, the retirement ceremony for HR Director Dr. Anton Hausleitner.

Manure additives and their emission reduction potential

Project goal: With the practical approach of the research project, practical solutions for reducing emissions should be derived from the results.


The eco-efficiency research group of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein introduces itself

For several years - officially since mid-2019 - there has been a cross-institute research group at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein that deals with the topics of sustainability assessment and eco-efficiency...

Experience agriculture at the Grassland and Livestock Day 2021

Experience agriculture, technology and innovation at the Grassland and Livestock Day 2021 on September 17, 2021 at the Bio-Institut Trautenfels of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein.

Autonomous vegetation monitoring with drones

Project goal: To obtain information on vitality, fertilization status, biomass, feed quality as well as the effects of stressful situations such as drought or disease pressure.

Ö1 reports on the “superfood” lentils

As part of the “ABC of Food Plants” series, Ö1 recently presented the lens. Daniel Lehner from the Bio-Institut helped shape the article. The small, promising and healthy legume is used, among other things, in the project...

Animal welfare potential assessment in dairy farms

In a current research project at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, an assessment system for the animal welfare potential of dairy stables was developed based on extensive evaluation models - the FarmLife Welfare Index (FWI). The...

National Councilors visit Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Through the mediation of parliamentary employee Viktor Gugganig, the two young national councilors Corinna Scharzenberger from the Ennstal and Carina Reiter from the neighboring Pongau visited the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein to...