EIP – grazing project started

The starting signal for the EIP project “Pasture Innovations” was given at the end of March, just in time for the start of grazing. The results of the project are intended to provide new knowledge about pasture farming for a large number of ruminant farms.


Review of the 10th Austrian Horse Conference

An anniversary of a slightly different kind - this is how the equine conference took place for the first time in a hybrid form with the option to participate online and on site.


Eco-efficiency of dairy farms in the Mur and Mürztal

In 2021, the research group “Eco-Efficiency of Agricultural Production Systems” developed a new methodological concept for the eco-efficiency assessment of agricultural operations and presented it as part of a peer-reviewed paper...

Animal Highlighted Article - February 2022

The technical article "Short confinement of sows after farrowing, but not pen type affects live-born piglet mortality" by Dr. Heidinger Birgit and Dr. Kristina Maschat as the first author was named “Highlighted Article - February 2022”...


Review - Electric Fence Action Day

Electric fence instead of barbed wire

2nd Organic Livestock Day 2022

The second Austrian Organic Livestock Day will take place this time on Friday, April 29th at the HBLA Origin in A-5161 Elixhausen in Salzburg. It's all about successful and location-adapted organic animal husbandry.

New ÖAG brochure: Getting started with pasture farming - tips and tricks for success

The “Organic Agriculture” specialist group, under the leadership of Priv.-Doz. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder published the specialist information 1/2022 on the topic “New publication: Getting started with pasture farming, tips and tricks for success”....

Sugar hay in calf feeding – first results published in the Journal of Dairy Science

At the end of 2021, a research project was completed in which the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein (Institute for Livestock Research) and the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna (Institute for Animal Nutrition and Functional Plant Substances)...


FarmLife BD - Biodiversity assessment concept

The aim of the FarmLife Biodiversity (FarmLife BD) project was to develop a system for assessing the effects of different forms of agricultural management and management on biodiversity on the farm...

Compensation areas for forest pasture separation on acidic sites - better feed is possible with little effort

The separation of forests and grazing rights in Austria is widespread and involves enormous time and financial effort. In order to compensate for the loss of grazing rights in forests, areas are usually cleared and...

Harvesting methods for seed material from species-rich grassland - a long-term comparison

Species-rich grassland in the form of extensive pastures and meadows represents important biodiversity hotspots in our cultural landscape, but unfortunately many areas have already been lost as part of the intensification of agriculture....

Dissertation on the importance of long-term observations in grassland experiments

Grassland is a versatile and important element of the Austrian cultural landscape and, in the form of hay meadows and pastures, not only serves as a feed base for livestock farming, but also with soil protection, water balance and biodiversity...

Emission reduction through manure additives - results for "Mooseck Sohle 6-7"

Project goal: Various manure additives will be examined for their emission and odor reduction potential, product application in practice and user safety.

Artificially inseminate goats?

Most people only know about artificial insemination (AI) for cattle, and possibly also for pigs. The technology is also used on other farm animals, such as goats. We now offer goat insemination courses at our branch in Wels.

First diploma course to become an instructor in functional claw care successfully completed!

On December 16th - 17th, 2021, with a delay due to Corona, the first final exam for the diploma course to become an instructor in functional claw care, which started in 2020, took place under the technical direction of Robert Pesenhofer (European...


Christmas thoughts

Just a few more days and the Christ child will be at the door.

Current news from teaching and research

In the download area (please scroll down) you will find the current newsletter from teaching and research. Design: Schönthaler Doris

Black-headed earthworm - When poop piles become a problem

Project goal: regulating the black-headed earthworm or preventing an infestation

Regional food sovereignty - look here

In cooperation with Trautenfels Castle and the Liezen regional management, we are able to offer you the latest issue of the cultural magazine “Da Schau her” to browse through. The chosen topic focus "On regional...

Circular milk production in Lungau

Project objective: The selected companies were participants in the “Reine Lungau” pilot project, which aimed to produce high-quality dairy products and close production and nutrient cycles within the project region...

LIFE WolfAlps EU: Meeting with young hunters

Project goal: Improved coexistence of wolves and humans in the Alpine region

Soil quality in organic pig farming

The floor is probably the most often underestimated part of a stable building. As a functional part of a bay, this component must meet the requirements for lying comfort, sure-footedness, ease of cleaning and longevity...

Research must not be an end in itself

What are the priorities of the new director Johann Gasteiner in the school and research area of ​​the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein? This current interview with our director Dr. Johann Gasteiner was in “Neues Land” on November 25th, 2021...

Soil on the test bench - soil compaction

The aim is to determine soil compaction - a frequently used measurement is the storage density. This, in turn, is essential for calculating carbon and nutrient reserves in the soil.

Award for apprentice Florian Kern

Florian Kern was assigned to the “Institute for Organic Agriculture & Livestock Biodiversity” during his training as an agricultural skilled worker at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein.