Survey on animal husbandry in Austria - TIHALO III

    The HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein was commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management (BML) to collect current data on the type of animal husbandry. The background to this survey is to develop representative data on the way animals are kept and the associated manure management. Data collection was completed at the beginning of May 2024. A response rate of around 32% was achieved. These figures subsequently form the basis for the creation of the Austrian Air Pollutant Inventory (OLI) by the Federal Environment Agency in Vienna.

    Animal husbandry in Austria - survey 2023/24

    Animal husbandry in Austria - survey 2023/24

     (c) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, A. Pöllinger

    Why is the survey for animal husbandry in Austria (TIHALO III) carried out?

    The results of the study serve to evaluate and ensure the effectiveness of the measures taken so far. This inventory must be drawn up by the Federal Environment Agency based on international requirements, even if no real data on animal husbandry is collected and made available for calculation.

    using real numbers from practice instead of standard scenarios to calculate the Austrian Air Pollutant Inventory (OLI) If standard values ​​were used, the result would be significantly more disadvantageous to domestic livestock farming. That is why it is in the great interest of agriculture to provide realistic, verified figures in order to be able to reflect agriculture in the best possible way.

    The aim is to present the reductions that have already been achieved and to tackle the challenges that still lie ahead together with appropriate funding incentives and technical support from the chambers of agriculture, agricultural associations and organizations and Raumberg-Gumpenstein. The questionnaire was developed together with employees of the Chambers of Agriculture , the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences , the umbrella organizations of animal husbandry organizations and the Ministry of Agriculture under the leadership of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein .