Grassland consultants meeting at the Bio-Institut

On April 13, 2023, the meeting of the Austrian grassland organic consultants took place in the new organic institute building of the HBFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein at Moarhof at the invitation of Bio-Austria and the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein. After...


Specialist event on legumes

Event at the end of the first project phase with all stakeholders involved in the BioBayern food legume project of the cooperation partner LfL Bayern


Annual report and publication list 2022

Research and teaching at the cutting edge - our annual report 2022 gives you an overview of all our areas of activity: Activities, results and successes from teaching and research Raumberg-Gumpenstein in a compact summary....


Water2Live - Water for life

Water is the most important source of life for plants, animals and people and is indispensable for the natural balance. Water also determines the landscape and water is used in many different ways.


Nutrient flows and environmental impacts of circular milk production in an extensive grassland area

As part of the Horizon 2020 project “Efficient Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus cycling in the European Agri-food System and related up- and down-stream processes to mitigate emissions” the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein...

Concept and criteria for assessing environmental impacts when using digital technologies developed

In addition to a variety of production technology and labor economic advantages, agriculture should enable a reduction in the use of production resources and more environmentally friendly agricultural production.


Cocksfoot grass varieties put to the test

The Drought Stress project attempted to find out how pronounced the variety-related differences are in cocksfoot with regard to drought tolerance. Climate change, and the resulting increase in extreme weather events and...

Scientific publication on the EIP-AGRI project SaLu_T

The first promising results from the EIP-AGRI project SaLu_T were recently published in an international scientific journal. Under the title "Assessment of Odor and Ammonia Impacts for a Novel Fattening Piggery Tailored...

Life VineAdapt: ​​Publication in the Bio Austria trade magazine

The LIFE project VineAdapt – Sustainable viticulture to adapt to climate change was published in the December issue of the Bio Austria trade magazine.


New Head of Research and Innovation and Deputy Director

The Higher Federal Teaching and Research Institute Raumberg-Gumpenstein has with Priv. Doc. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder a new head of research and innovation and deputy director.

FarmLife recognized as an innovation for mountain farm management!

On January 20, 2023, the “Alpen-Adria Agricultural Fair”, which only takes place every two years, took place at the Klagenfurt exhibition center. The trade fair not only brings suppliers and visitors from Austria, but also from Slovenia, Germany...

Pasture parasites in goats in Austria: Resistance monitoring and development of sustainable control strategies for practice

Project aim: The aim of this research project is to record the spread of resistance in gastrointestinal strongylids of goats and to evaluate sustainable and implementable parasite control strategies. This is done...

VineAdapt: ​​International workshop on climate-adapted and biodiversity-friendly viticulture in Europe

Viticulture in Europe has to deal with the effects of climate change. Increasing droughts in summer, a high risk of erosion due to heavy rainfall and the immigration of new pests require innovative solutions...

Completion of the project “Measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions”

The project report describes agronomic improvement options that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions if food production in the agricultural sector continues


New husbandry system for fattening pigs

As part of the EIP-Agri project track, a new housing system for fattening pig farming was examined in the SaLu_T project.

Handover of a new, sponsored electric vehicle to the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Thanks to numerous advertising partners from the region and with the help of the PR company “Brunner Mobil”, an electric bus was handed over to the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein on December 13th, 2022.

Organic Enquete – Presentation of the Organic Action Program 2023+

The new organic action program 2023+ was presented as part of the Bio-Enquete 2022. The aim of the program is to continue to position Austria as the number one organic country and to expand the organic sector.

A success story - 20 years of the LTER-Austria association - long-term social-ecological research

The HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein as a member of the interdisciplinary network for biodiversity and ecosystem research.

75 years of research in Raumberg-Gumpenstein

On Friday, December 2nd, 2022, the celebrations for 75 years of research took place at the Higher Federal Teaching and Research Institute Raumberg-Gumpenstein. Director Dr. Johann Gasteiner and institute director Dr. Andreas Steinwidder...


New podcast series - climate crisis forever?! The late legacy of fossil energy

Gaseous emissions, changes in land use and other physical effects have contributed to changes in the energy balance of the global atmosphere since 1750. In the podcast “Climate Crisis Forever?!”, Dr.... explains.

EIP mountain dairy cattle – results on animal welfare potential

Small-scale mountain dairy farming, which is widespread in the Austrian Alpine region, faces major challenges.

Full house at the organic conference

Numerous conference participants from home and abroad attended the organic conference at the HLBLA Raumberg-Gumpenstein on Thursday, November 10th.

Successful cooperation between the LFS Grabnerhof, the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein and the Austrian Center Bär, Wolf, Luchs

In October 2022, the newly created course for “Agricultural Skilled Workers with a Focus on Alpine Farming and Shepherding” took place successfully at the LFS Grabnerhof. This covered the topics of herd protection, animal health and herd...

Half time in the SatGrass project

Project goal: We want to support farmers in choosing the optimal cutting time based on satellite and weather data and also carry out a regional evaluation of grassland yields from the perspective of climatic...

BIOS Science Austria in Raumberg-Gumpenstein

On October 20, 2022, members of the board of BIOS Science Austria met for an internal retreat in the “Bio Institute Building Moarhof” of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein. Behind “BIOS Science Austria” is an association that...

Top result for our analytics

It is with great pride that we can present a special kind of performance showcase from our analytics: Participation in a total of 3 ring studies in 2022 enabled us to test the accuracy of analysis in analytics by independent...

Winter cereals: organic varieties in focus

The choice of variety plays a major role in the upcoming cultivation of winter cereals, especially in organic farming. Not only yield and ingredients play a role, parameters such as stability and resistance are also important in organic...

Moor article at PM-Wissen

About a month ago, the Servus TV film team led by Rosi Bundz accompanied our experts Andreas Bohner and Kurt Krimberger on a film shoot about the importance of moors. The broadcast date has now been set - Thursday, October 20th, 2022 at 8:15 p.m. at...