Kropsch Michael, BMA
Emissions from animal husbandry
Altirdning 11
8952 Irdning-Donnersbachtal
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+43 3682-22451-376
+43 3682-22451-210
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More information

Head of department

Biomedical analyst at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Collaboration on projects at the Institute for Animals, Technology and the Environment

Development of methods for noise measurement and noise assessment in connection with the legal framework in agriculture

Participation in the BTU conference in Freising

The conference "Construction, Technology and Environment in Agricultural Animal Husbandry" (BTU) is considered a regular industry meeting for agricultural research in...

Poultry research

In addition to the pig research stable, the Institute for Animals, Technology and the Environment operates a stable for investigating gaseous emissions (ammoni...

Research on the topic of emissions/immissions at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

The Institute for Animals, Technology & Environment deals with emissions and immissions that arise in livestock farming and lead to conflicts...

HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein on the expert advisory board of EmiMod

After the large joint projects EmiDat and EmiMin, which have been initiated in recent years by the German KTBL (Board of Trustees for Technology and Construction in Agriculture...

Seminar: HofEr software – practical application in stable surveys

This invitation is aimed at municipalities, ZT offices, emissions experts, construction experts and everyone who is involved in the audit...

Project IBeSt_Plus “Evaluation of Austrian pig fattening stables with different husbandry systems with regard to animal welfare and economics”

The IBeSt+ project is a legally anchored/required research project that was started in November 2023. The implementation...

Results of the “Farm4More” life project

Both climate change and the increasing demand for animal-based foods pose significant challenges for society and...

Results of the “Farm4More” life project

Both climate change and the increasing demand for animal-based foods pose significant challenges for society and...

Project meeting EIP-Agri SaLu_T

On June 5, 2023, all stakeholders involved in the project met at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein for a final meeting of the “Clean...

Pig farmers well informed

On May 24, 2023, 25 pig farmers from Styria visited the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein for a specialist excursion with the topic “Current ...

Scientific publication on the EIP-AGRI project SaLu_T

The first promising results from the EIP-AGRI project SaLu_T were recently published in an international scientific journal. U...

Agriculture Emissions Assessment Conference 2023

The 2023 Agriculture Emissions Assessment conference will take place at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein on Tuesday, March 28, 2023. ...

Report poultry fattening trial - Green Innovation

Project goal: Investigation of the influences of alternative protein sources or feed additives on fattening performance (weight gain, final fattening weight...

50 years of Styriabride

Colleagues from the Animal Husbandry Systems, Technology & Emissions department took part in the 50th anniversary on Saturday, August 27th, 2022, at the invitation of Styriabrid...

Visit of the WKO - QM responsible for the food trade

On Friday, July 8th, a small but fine delegation from the WKÖ, quality management department in the food trade, visited the HBLFA Raumberg...

Digital VetMed seminar in Raumberg-Gumpenstein

On June 2, 2022, a Digital VetMed seminar for 30 students from the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna took place in Raumberg-Gumpenstein. At L...

Visit by a delegation from Uganda

On May 12th and 13th, 2022, a delegation from Uganda, together with representatives from BOKU Vienna and PIG Austria GmbH, visited the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpe...

Life farm4more - Meeting

On May 10th and 11th, the farm4more project team met at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein to discuss the results and strategies in the ongoing life project...

Hohenlehen technical school visiting Raumberg-Gumpenstein

On March 7, 2022, the graduating class of the Hohenlehen Technical School paid a visit to the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein. ...

Video – Farm4More Life Project – This is being researched

Climate change and the increasing demand for animal foods are major challenges for the earth and humanity. The agriculture...

EIP project SaLuT – Clean air in animal production

High emissions and the resulting immissions regularly lead to conflicts with neighbors and pose a threat to Austrian livestock...

ÖAL Monograph 2 – Noise emissions from agricultural operations and land use

The ÖAL Monograph 2 – Noise emissions from agricultural operations and land use has just been published! ...

Odor and ammonia emissions from fattening pig farming using different emission reduction strategies

Project PigAir II From an environmental perspective, livestock farming is in focus when it comes to “the polluters” and demands...

Noise emissions from types of agricultural operations and land use

A central function of spatial planning is the targeted ordering of dedications of equal importance in terms of sound emissions. On the one hand, to protect...

Research project on bioaerosols in livestock farming

Research project on bioaerosols in livestock farming – publication of two studies in well-known journals...

Odor and ammonia emissions from poultry farming

Odor and ammonia emissions from poultry farming using different emission reduction strategies A significant influence...

Partial final report of larval breeding for animal feed production

Emissions from broiler fattening & larval breeding Under the leadership of the Environmental Research Institute of Global 2000, the...

Online specialist conference on emissions assessment for agriculture 2021

Webinar on the topic “Emission assessment in livestock farming” ...

Studies on ammonia and odor emissions from poultry farming

Protein components of feed have been proven to have a significant influence on ammonia and odor emissions from livestock farming - ...

Pilot project experimental stable: exhaust air scrubber for fattening pig stalls

From an environmental perspective, livestock farming has been in focus for some time now when it comes to “the polluters” and demands...

First research project on bioaerosols in livestock farming

Currently, under the direction of the Diagnostics and Research Institute for Hygiene, Microbiology and Environmental Medicine of the Med. Univ. Graz, in cooperation...

Immission and emission measurements of bioaerosols in poultry and pig stables

The aim of this project is to determine the current status of emissions and immissions of bioaerosols and fine dust particles in the area of ​​animal husbandry...

Odor inspection to evaluate the calculation results of a computer-aided dispersion model

Computer-aided models have become an indispensable part of everyday work, not only in the sector of calculating noise emissions...

Noise emissions from types of agricultural operations and land use

The project idea developed from the large number of reactions from those affected and those involved to the “Practical Guide” published in spring 2013...

Guide to sound technology in agriculture

Noise has become a constant companion of modern people living in the technological world. As is well known, roads,...

2400: EmiScrap

Emissions optimization of manure removal in cattle stalls

2403: Cattle farming

Environmental technologies in cattle farming - establishing an international partner network

2417: FläWi

Noise emissions from types of agricultural operations and land use

2425: PIGAIR

Minimizing emissions through exhaust air purification systems in pig fattening

2426: WiPrax

Transfer of scientific knowledge into agricultural practice

2458: Luquasta

Immission and emission measurements of bioaerosols in the area of ​​poultry and pig stables - sub-area HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

2459: WiPraX II

Transfer of scientific knowledge into agricultural practice II

3630: WT: EmiProt

Odor and ammonia emissions from different rations from keeping young and laying hens, poultry and turkey fattening

3655: WT OdourS

Odor inspection to evaluate the calculation results of a computer-aided dispersion model

3675: WT EmiImi2030

Evaluation and implementation of measures in agriculture to achieve the NEC goals 2030

3681: WT insect larvae

Preservability of soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) through fermentation and their potential in broiler fattening