Herndl Markus, Dr.
Soil and Environmental Assessments
Altirdning 11
8952 Irdning-Donnersbachtal
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+43 3682 22451-340
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Scientific management of the department

  • Assessment of environmental management on the farm
  • Investigation of water and nutrient flows in grassland soils

WEBINAR: Location-appropriate and eco-efficient farming on the farm: competency-oriented and practical teaching with farmlife.at

Students should understand the economic-ecological interactions and the effects of their actions on the farm. Systemic thinking must...

SEMINAR FarmLife for teachers: Train the Trainer, 13/14. November 2024

Eco-efficient agriculture means recognizing the ecological connections and dealing with your own economic demands and possibilities...

Impact of drought on cocksfoot

With climate change and increasing droughts, cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) is becoming increasingly important for agriculture. This study, published...

Bavarian testing in exchange of experiences

On June 11th and 12th, employees of the Bavarian state testing department went on an excursion to HBLFA Gumpenstein. The group sat down...

FarmLife Science - scientific basis for FarmLife

You are here on the FarmLife learning platform in the area of ​​the scientific principles of FarmLife. These are freely available for download...

FarmLife: work suggestions and games for lessons

You are here on the FarmLife learning platform in the area of ​​work suggestions and games for lessons related to business management...

Development of measures to optimize animal welfare potential using the FarmLife Welfare Index for cattle

Animal welfare and the labeling of agricultural products are becoming increasingly relevant to society. The one at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenst...

Completed projects on the farm management tool FarmLife

Here you will find links to the already completed projects of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein eco-efficiency research group. ...

Meadow care with the scythe - combination course for mowing and trimming

Once you have mastered mowing with a scythe, it is the most environmentally friendly and easiest way to mow a meadow. In this workshop you can...

Application and further development of the FarmLife Welfare Index for cattle

Animal welfare and the labeling of agricultural products are becoming increasingly relevant to society. The one at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenst...

Currently ongoing projects for the farm management tool FarmLife

Here you will find links to the current projects of the eco-efficiency research group at HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein. ...

Didactic evaluation and dissemination of the FarmLife educational concept

The project “Didactic evaluation and dissemination of the FarmLife educational concept” (FarmLife Education II) was successfully completed in December 2023...

New EU project: agrifoodTEF

Artificial intelligence will change the way we live and therefore the way we produce our food. ...

Workshop - Edible wild herbs in grassland

A contribution to regional and health-conscious nutrition. ...

Workshop - Further processing and preservation of edible wild herbs in grassland

A contribution to regional, sustainable and health-conscious nutrition. ...

Nutrient flows and environmental impacts of circular milk production in an extensive grassland area

As part of the Horizon 2020 project “Efficient Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus cycling in the European Agri-food System and related up- and down-st...

Concept and criteria for assessing environmental impacts when using digital technologies developed

In addition to a wide range of production technology and labor economic advantages, agriculture should also result in a reduction in the use of production resources...

FarmLife recognized as an innovation for mountain farm management!

On January 20, 2023, the “Alpen-Adria Agricultural Fair”, which only takes place every two years, took place at the Klagenfurt exhibition center. The fair...

Completion of the project “Measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions”

The project report describes agronomic improvement options that can be used to continue food production in the agriculture sector.

22nd Alpine Expert Forum

Topic: Drought as a new challenge for grassland management...

Assessment of agriculture on the environment through digital tool

The HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein and its partners have developed a digital tool called FarmLife in recent years. FarmLife be...

Open position as a research assistant

At the HBLFA Raumberg Gumpenstein you will work on aspects of circular agricultural production (optionally with a focus on dairy products...

Visit of the WKO - QM responsible for the food trade

On Friday, July 8th, a small but fine delegation from the WKÖ, quality management department in the food trade, visited the HBLFA Raumberg...

Make research work tangible

After a year of preparatory work, the exhibition and excursion area on the topics of “Soil-Water-Plants” was opened on Wednesday, June 22nd by Dr. Andre...

Life cycle assessments of practical and technical solutions to increase C, N and P recycling

Project objective: The EU project “Circular Agronomics” aims to evaluate practical and technical solutions to improve the current C...

Climate change adaptation - irrigation in grassland?

Project goal: The IrriGrass project aims to identify connections between climate change, biomass development, quality, water requirements and yield security...

Soil-water-root rocking cellar

The Soil-Water-Root Showcase is a station in the Soil-Water-Plant show area where the soil, the basis of life, is presented with all its functions...

Opening of the soil-water-plant show area

The opening of a soil-water-plant exhibition and excursion area will take place on June 22nd at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein research site...

Environmental assessment of organic dairy farms with closed regional production cycles in the Lungau district

Milk production in disadvantaged areas is very important in Austria. Nine out of ten liters of milk delivered are delivered to these areas...

Eco-efficiency of dairy farms in the Mur and Mürztal

In 2021, the research group “Eco-Efficiency of Agricultural Production Systems” developed a new methodological concept for eco-efficiency assessment...

Digital farm helper for assessing sustainability on the dairy farm

Project goal: The digital farm assistant is intended to show practical starting points for improvements for farmers and provide concrete assistance...

FarmLife BD - Biodiversity assessment concept

The aim of the FarmLife Biodiversity (FarmLife BD) project was to develop a system for assessing the effects of different agricultural practices...

Environmental assessment concept – simply explained

As part of the “Digitization in Agriculture” cluster, financed in the Austrian Rural Development Program 2014-2020, ...

Alpine lysimeter station at Stoderzinken

On Tuesday, October 19th, 2021 it was that time again, the environmental ecology department got back to work on the alpine lysimeter station at 1800m...

Nutrient source atmosphere - comparison of collection systems in the Stoderzinken alpine ecosystem

Alpine farming is part of Austrian mountain agriculture and makes important contributions to resource protection. ...

The eco-efficiency research group of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein introduces itself

For several years - officially since mid-2019 - there has been an inter-institute research group at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein...

Influence of snow cover on the water balance in an alpine ecosystem

The snow cover represents a very relevant reservoir for the Alpine water cycle. ...

Video about climate change

ClimGrass - climate impact research for grassland Due to the high vulnerability of the Alpine region to the fo...

Ecological assessment of the application of digital technologies in agriculture

With the ever-increasing digitalization in agriculture, the question increasingly arises as to how the impact of these technologies on the environment...

New eco-efficiency assessment developed

The research group “Ecoefficiency of Agricultural Production Systems” has been working for many years as part of interdisciplinary research...

FarmLife News: Feedback and wishes from teachers

A successful FarmLife Train-the-Trainer Webinar, held on 17/18. March 2021 is the occasion to present the feedback and thoughts from...

The Institute for Plant Production and Cultural Landscape introduces itself

The following video provides a brief insight into the tasks of the employees of the Institute of Plant Production and Culture...

Development of an animal welfare assessment system for implementation in the farm management tool FarmLife

The topic of animal welfare is becoming more and more important in agriculture but also in social discussions both nationally and internationally...

Biodiversity assessment on farms: concepts, models and application in life cycle assessment

The overview of the approaches shows that the topic of biodiversity assessment and advice at the farm level has recently...

Cultural landscape

Land use and cultural landscape The influences of land use, particularly agricultural use and usage tasks, on culture...


Species diversity, vegetation dynamics and nature conservation The floristic composition of the plant population and the plant species diversity are...


Soil, water and nutrient supply...

Didactic evaluation and dissemination of the FarmLife educational concept

Environmentally and climate-friendly agriculture is the order of the day in the spirit of sustainability. In recent years, FarmLife has proven to be a practical...

Workshop environmental assessment concept

As part of a workshop in Project V of the “Digitization in Agriculture” cluster, together with international experts from Germany...

Will local agriculture save conventional family businesses from extinction?

Applied research bears responsibility for stakeholders. In this sense, the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein is associated with the farms in Austria...

On the trail of drought

This spring was affected by severe drought in large parts of Austria. Especially at a time when grassland...

Concept and criteria for assessing environmental impacts when using digital technologies

Digitalization has become an integral part of our everyday lives and has long since found its way into agriculture. The biggest benefit...

Nutrient flows and environmental impacts of circular milk production in an extensive grassland area

This project applied for here represents the national part of an already approved Horizon 2020 project. The title of the project is: CI...

Water balance in the Stoderzinken alpine ecosystem - analysis of the influencing factors and their effects on soil, water and plants

Building on the completed projects (No. 100566, 100810), the basics already collected at the Stoderzinken research station are to be expanded...

Impact of climate change on the hydrology and productivity of alpine grassland using weighable lysimeters

The changed climate conditions in the form of increased CO2 concentrations predicted by the Austrian assessment report APCC “Climate Change 2014”...

Comparison and analysis of the synergies of environmental and sustainability assessments on dairy farms in Austria

In the context of future European agricultural policy, the competitiveness of the Austrian dairy industry depends on its ability...

Sustainable use of nutrients for sustainable agriculture

As part of the “Circular Agronomics” (CircAgro) project, the aim is to understand the cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus as the...

Individual life cycle assessment of agricultural businesses in Austria

Farmers are increasingly confronted with questions about resource consumption and the environmental impact of their production systems. Both aspects are closely...

Eco-efficiency in practice

Soil, plants, animals and fertilizer form a cycle in which food is produced. In a closed circuit, this is exactly how...

Scientific basis for eco-efficiency

Eco-efficiency expresses the relationship between environmental impact/resource consumption and the economic value of a production process...

Circular Agronomics - A Horizon 2020 project

The eco-efficiency working group of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein is a partner in the Horizon 2020 project "CIRCULAR AGRONOMICS: Efficient Carbon, Nitrogen an...

Species and variety screening of grasses, herbs and legumes

Species and variety screening of grasses, herbs and legumes as a basis for grassland management on dry sites The permanent grass...

2386: Farmlife

Individual life cycle assessment of agricultural businesses in Austria


Development of a testing and analysis system for continuous data streams and their transfer into relational data models

2401: CCN grassland

Influence of climate change and nitrogen deposition on plant biodiversity in grassland ecosystems

2420: SpectroGrass

Implementation of field spectroscopy for the non-invasive examination of plant populations

2440: FarmLifeWF

Development of an animal welfare assessment system for implementation in the farm management tool FarmLife

2454: HyproGrass

Impact of climate change on the hydrology and productivity of alpine grassland using weighable lysimeters

2456: FarmMilk

Holistic eco-efficiency as a method to support the dairy industry

3557: WT: GWStoder

Groundwater recharge dynamics in the Stoderzinken alpine ecosystem: Combined analysis of infiltration and drainage processes

3564: WT: ClimClass

Investigation of climatic demarcation criteria for the disadvantaged area of ​​Austria

3566: WT: GwSchnee

Influence of snow accumulation and melting on groundwater recharge at the Stoderzinken mountain site.

3619: WT: Nitratmo

Further development and testing of a measuring system for quantifying atmospheric nitrogen deposition in a soil-plant system

3627: WT: Uranium Green

Behavior of uranium from phosphate-containing fertilizers in a grassland soil-water-plant system

3650: WT FarmLifeII

Toolbox eco-efficiency for agricultural advisory and educational practice

3651: WT FarmLifeApp

Practical application of the farm management tool “FarmLife” in the model region “Liezen District”

3673: WT SmartFarmLife

Comparison and analysis of the synergies of environmental and sustainability assessments on dairy farms in Austria

3680 WT: FarmEdu

Integration of the eco-efficiency tool FarmLife into the agricultural education landscape in Austria