The farm system
HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

FarmLife Science - scientific basis for FarmLife

HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

FarmLife Science - scientific basis for FarmLife

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Guggenberger Thomas, Dr.

Dr. Thomas Guggenberger, MSc

Head of the Institute for Livestock Research
Herndl Markus, Dr.

Dr. Markus Herndl

Soil Science and Lysimetry Department, Head of the Eco-Efficiency Research Group
Ofner-Schröck Elfriede, Dr

Dr. Elfriede Ofner-Schröck

Head of Institute for Organic Agriculture & Livestock Biodiversity
Fritz Christian, MA, department head

Mag. Christian Fritz, MA

Economics and resource management
Finotti Elisabeth, Mag.a

Mag.a Elisabeth Finotti

Economics and resource management