22nd Alpine Expert Forum

    22nd Alpine Expert Forum

    Topic: Drought as a new challenge for grassland management

    Date: Tuesday, November 8, 2022

    Location: HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

    Starting from keynotes on climate change, the problem of extreme events, in particular drought, and the associated changes in the soil water balance will be discussed.

    An overview of multi-year drought experiments at the ClimGrass test facility in Gumpenstein, together with current results on water balance and grassland yields, forms the second thematic block.

    In a third part, possible adaptation measures are discussed. The event concludes with an excursion to the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein test field for experiments in the field of climate impact research.


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    Schaumberger Andreas, Dr.

    Mag. MSc. Andreas Schaumberger

    Grassland management and cultural landscape
    Herndl Markus, Dr.

    Dr. Markus Herndl

    Soil Science and Lysimetry Department, Head of the Eco-Efficiency Research Group