Research projects

Sustainable use of nutrients for sustainable agriculture

Herndl Markus, Dr.

Dr. Markus Herndl

Soil Science and Lysimetry Department, Head of the Eco-Efficiency Research Group

As part of the “Circular Agronomics” (CircAgro) project, the understanding of the cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus as the fundamental substances in agriculture is to be deepened in order to reduce the environmental impact at the farm and regional level. Dealing with these nutrients is the most important factor for fertile soils, plant growth and therefore a good harvest. Currently, at EU level, half of the nitrogen and phosphorus applied annually as mineral fertilizers comes from non-renewable sources. These manufacturing processes also require large amounts of fossil fuels.

The project helps to anchor our food production as part of a sustainable circular economy. This is to be achieved by increasing efficiency, recycling and recovery of key nutrients. The project goals are part of current, major challenges in dealing with our environment, such as greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions and the associated nutrient pollution of our soil and water.

The project aims to close open nutrient cycles, both within arable farming and by bridging the gap between arable farming and livestock farming and processing plants and agriculture. To this end, options for reusing wastewater and improving the use of manure are being developed. Positive interactions between these agricultural systems and improved soil fertility (particularly soil carbon stocks) can also help maintain the quality of ground and surface water and ecosystem services. These services are in turn essential for food security and the sustainability of the European food chain. In addition, such measures also minimize greenhouse gas emissions and nitrogen loss.

Further information about the Circular Agronomics project

There is an English-language newsletter for current information about the project. Registration on the project website:

You can also find CIRCULAR AGRONOMICS on Twitter: (@CircularAgro)

The “CIRCULAR AGRONOMICS” project consists of a consortium of 18 partners from 9 countries across Europe and is financed with funds from the European Union’s “Horizon 2020” research funding program (project number 773649).

Nutrient flows and environmental impacts of circular milk production
in an extensive grassland area (FarmlifeCF)

The national part of the international project CircAgro is carried out as part of the project "Nutrient flows and environmental effects of circular milk production in an extensive grassland area" (acronym FarmlifeCF) by the eco-efficiency working group under the leadership of Herndl Markus, Dr. carried out.

As part of this project, extensive, purely grassland-based milk production is demonstrated. In this pilot study, the nutrient cycles of nitrogen and phosphorus are examined and the nutrient losses produced are measured, depending on different feeding strategies. The aim here is to demonstrate a circular economy using extensive farming at the local level.

The goals of FarmlifeCF in detail

  • A comprehensive analysis of the flows of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus and the resulting emissions in the Lungau model region, on selected farms
  • An evaluation of feeding strategies, gaseous emissions and properties of manure. Exact studies of GHG emissions depending on the feeding of cattle in a respiratory chamber are used
  • Assessment of the environmental impact of different strategies, implemented at EU project level (CircAgro) by other partners, also in comparison or inclusion with conventional or traditional processes in the processing chain, using LCA (in collaboration with the partners in the CircAgro project)
  • Assessment of the recommendations developed in the project with regard to the advantages in relation to a circular economy and increasing the efficiency of the C, N and P cycles
  • Dialogue with farmers: needs, expectations, acceptance of innovations and changed methods are examined in the model regions


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 © 2018 Circular Agronomics


Guggenberger Thomas, Dr.

Dr. Thomas Guggenberger, MSc

Head of the Institute for Livestock Research



Nutrient flows and environmental impacts of circular milk production in an extensive grassland area

Herndl Markus (2018 - 2022)
Institute 2 - Crop Production