Bohner Andreas, Dr.
    Environmental ecology
    Altirdning 11
    8952 Irdning-Donnersbachtal
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    +43 3682 22451-330
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    Scientific management of the environmental ecology department with a focus on:

    • Vegetation ecology, plant sociology
    • Soil science
    • Biodiversity, nature and environmental protection

    Review 9th Environmental Ecological Symposium

    The symposium on the topic “Root research to support climate change adaptation strategies in agriculture and forestry” took place on the 17th and 18th ...

    Practical seminar: Sowing and composting soil

    On Wednesday, October 2, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., the practical seminar will examine the question of how to create optimal soil for sowing and raising young...

    Expert meeting for peatland renaturation at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

    Peatlands and peatlands play an important role in mitigating climate change, for biodiversity and flood protection. However, the...

    Raumberg-Gumpenstein at the Long Night of Research in the Palmenhaus Vienna

    On May 23, 2024, we presented our specialist station on biodiversity and alpine pastures at the Long Night of Research in the Palmenhaus Vienna. This v...

    Basalt as a mineral fertilizer in agriculture for CO2 storage and phosphorus mobilization in permanent grassland soils (basalt)

    As part of the “European Green Deal” and in implementing the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, enormous efforts are necessary to reduce emissions...

    Recording degraded moor areas in Austria and assessing their suitability for regeneration (Moist)

    In view of climate change and the biodiversity crisis, the preservation of moors and peat soils plays an important role. The restoration one...

    Moor excursion impressions 2023

    On September 20th and 21st, 2023, the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein held a moorland excursion in Upper Styria. The following moors were visited: ...

    Moor excursion 2023

    Among terrestrial ecosystems, intact moors and moorland soils are by far the best carbon stores. Moors and meadows are also culturally important...

    Review of the Moor Conference 2023

    On June 27th and 28th, 2023, a moor conference in the form of a webinar took place at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein. The primary goal of this conference was to...

    Downloads of the Moor Conference 2023 are online

    On June 27th and 28th, 2023, the moor conference took place at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein in the form of a webinar. The primary goal of this conference was to...

    Technical article on the topic of “Strategies and measures for adapting to climate change in permanent grassland”

    In permanent grassland, adaptation measures to drought (low soil moisture) are severely limited. ...

    Influence of different management on water, carbon and nitrogen flows in inner-Alpine permanent grassland

    The Alpine region is particularly badly affected by anthropogenic climate change. ...

    Moor Conference 2023

    The moor conference will take place at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein from June 27th to 28th, 2023. ...

    20th Gumpenstein Lysimeter Conference

    The next Gumpenstein lysimeter conference has been postponed and will take place in April 2024 at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein. Further information follows...

    A success story - 20 years of the LTER-Austria association - long-term social-ecological research

    The HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein as a member of the interdisciplinary network for biodiversity and ecosystem research. ...

    Moor article at PM-Wissen

    About a month ago, the Servus TV film team led by Rosi Bundz accompanied our experts Andreas Bohner and Kurt Krimberger on a film shoot about...

    Moore - filming with Servus TV

    Intact moors provide numerous ecosystem services. They are large water reservoirs, the best carbon stores among terrestrial ecosystems and...

    Hello documentary about soil and soil life

    On June 30th, 2022 at 8:15 p.m. there was another Raumberg-Gumpensteiner contribution on Servus TV in the PM-Wissen series: Andreas Bohner was on May 25th, 2022...

    Make research work tangible

    After a year of preparatory work, the exhibition and excursion area on the topics of “Soil-Water-Plants” was opened on Wednesday, June 22nd by Dr. Andre...

    Fertilization and management experiment

    This experiment shows how different fertilization variants affect the composition and yield of the plant population. ...

    Opening of the soil-water-plant show area

    The opening of a soil-water-plant exhibition and excursion area will take place on June 22nd at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein research site...

    Promote soil life in permanent grassland

    Soil fertility depends critically on the number, diversity and activity of soil organisms. ...

    WEBINAR Nature conservation - an opportunity for agriculture

    Tuesday, March 8, 2022; 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m....

    Soil on the test bench - soil compaction

    The aim is to determine soil compaction - a frequently used measurement is the storage density. This, in turn, is essential for the...

    Alpine lysimeter station at Stoderzinken

    On Tuesday, October 19th, 2021 it was that time again, the environmental ecology department got back to work on the alpine lysimeter station at 1800m...

    Special feature Iris meadow

    Dr. In this video clip, Andreas Bohner explains the special nature of iris meadows and what is necessary to grow these colorful and herb-rich wis...

    Humus creation as an important climate protection measure

    Humus creation is an important climate protection measure. This means that carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is stored in the soil via the plant. ...

    Influence of fertilization and fallow land on the amount of humus and nutrient reserves

    Project goal: The aim is to find out what influence fertilization and fallow land have on the amount of humus and nutrient reserves in soils and permanent grassland...

    Carbon sequestration in grassland soils

    The research project aims to answer the question of whether grassland soils can make a contribution to climate protection. ...

    19th Gumpenstein Lysimeter Conference successfully held as a webinar

    Due to corona, the 19th Gumpenstein Lysimeter Conference was held as a webinar for the first time this year on April 13th, 2021 and April 14th, 2021. ...

    Reviews of the 19th Gumpenstein Lysimeter Conference 2021

    As part of the 19th Gumpenstein Lysimeter Conference, which was held as a web conference, on the topic of lysimeters and soil water balance: drought - irrigation...

    The Institute for Plant Production and Cultural Landscape introduces itself

    The following video provides a brief insight into the tasks of the employees of the Institute of Plant Production and Culture...

    Soil compaction – a major yield-limiting factor

    Intensive grassland management has led to extensive soil compaction in permanent grassland. ...

    Lecture Dr. Bohner - Webinar series “Climate Fit Pielachtal”

    Due to climate change, long periods of drought are likely to occur more frequently in large parts of Austria in the future. ...

    Cultural landscape

    Land use and cultural landscape The influences of land use, particularly agricultural use and usage tasks, on culture...


    Soil, water and nutrient supply...

    19th Lysimeter Conference 2021

    19th Lysimeter Conference - April 13th/14th, 2021 Online registration/registration...

    Climate Change - It's the Soil that Matters - 02. Podcast

    Stay on the ground The ground is our basis of life. The temperature-related increase in the evaporation of water stored in the soil, the increased...

    Sparkling Science project "Game of Clones"

    In October 2017, the preparatory work for the research project “Game of Clones – students model the spread and combat of...

    Dynamic meadow construction

    The primary goal of the research project is to develop a management concept that complies with EU law in the Natura 2000 area “Wiesengebie...

    Soil determination compartments for grassland soils

    Handbook for grassland soils ...

    Biodiversity through alpine pasture management

    The goals of the research project are: increasing feed quality and biodiversity on alpine pastures, combating problem plants and keeping...

    CASAS: Carbon sequestration in Austrian grassland soils

    To reduce atmospheric CO2 concentrations, increasing the organic carbon pool in the soil is considered a promising measure...

    Nutrient monitoring

    The aim of the EU Water Framework Directive was to bring all surface waters to a good ecological status by 2015. In justified cases...

    Assessment of soil quality

    The suitability of a grassland area for a certain type of management and intensity of use depends crucially on the soil. The...

    Monitoring of selected alpine sites in the Gesäuse National Park with regard to soil and phytodiversity, under the influence of climate change

    ALM MONITOR: Monitoring of selected alpine locations in the Gesäuse National Park with regard to soil and phytodiversity, under the influence of the climate...

    Fractionation and mobility of phosphorus in grassland soils

     Research questions: Are the different P pools in the soil enriched differently through long-term fertilization? What influence does...

    LUBIO project

    LUBIO - Land use, climate change and biodiversity in cultural landscapes Program: Earth System Sciences (ESS) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences...

    Healthy Alps Project

    Healthy Alps - Alpine landscapes in climate change: Influence of land use changes on regulating ecosystem services, biodiversity, health...

    Heavy metal transfer in the soil-plant system in grassland ecosystems

    Nature and environmental protection have gained great social importance in recent years. Above all, the protection of the basis of life, soil, ...

    2318: Silver scurf

    Studies on the occurrence of silver scab (Helminthosporium solani) on potatoes

    2378: Vegdyn

    Vegetation dynamics in regularly mown permanent meadows, litter meadows, fens and fallow grassland

    2379: Sukzi

    Succession studies in the alpine pasture area of ​​the nature park community of Kleinsölk

    2400: EmiScrap

    Emissions optimization of manure removal in cattle stalls

    2401: CCN grassland

    Influence of climate change and nitrogen deposition on plant biodiversity in grassland ecosystems

    2428: Lubio

    Land use, climate change and biodiversity in cultivated landscapes

    2429: Healthy Alps

    Alpine landscapes in climate change: Impact of land use changes on regulating ecosystem services, biodiversity, health and well-being

    2435: Alm Monitor

    Monitoring of selected alpine sites in the Gesäuse National Park with regard to soil and phytodiversity under the influence of climate change

    2459: WiPraX II

    Transfer of scientific knowledge into agricultural practice II

    2742: GrünDü

    Water-friendly fertilization of drained grassland areas in the Eu Regio-Alpine foothills

    2744: Trampling

    Vegetation response to footfall along a European transect

    2747: Salvere

    Near-natural grassland as a resource to improve biodiversity

    2749: Future of water

    Future of water: Reduction of nutrient inputs into surface waters in the cultural landscape of the Bavarian-Austrian Alpine foothills

    2755: CAMARO-D

    Management routines for the impact of land use on the water regime

    2958: Postalm

    Vegetation science and alpine economic studies on the Postalm

    3557: WT: GWStoder

    Groundwater recharge dynamics in the Stoderzinken alpine ecosystem: Combined analysis of infiltration and drainage processes

    3566: WT: GwSchnee

    Influence of snow accumulation and melting on groundwater recharge at the Stoderzinken mountain site.