Research projects

Recording degraded moor areas in Austria and assessing their suitability for regeneration (Moist)

Bohner Andreas, Dr.

Dr. Andreas Bohner

Environmental ecology

In view of climate change and the biodiversity crisis, the preservation of moors and peat soils an important role. The restoration of once drained moor areas for agricultural and forestry use, in addition to the renaturation of disturbed moors, is a specific goal in the current draft of the EU Restoration Act.


The project is intended to address the following research questions: 


  • Which indicators can used to identify degraded moor areas ?
  • Where are these areas located? 
  • From a technical perspective, where are suitable locations for promising, sustained rewetting and how large is their area?

 The research project was applied for and approved by the Biodiversity Fund (C321085, MOIST). The project consortium consists of experts from several institutions. 

Project management : Bohner Andreas, Dr.

Project duration : February 2024 - December 2026

Moor area in the Mühlviertel

Moor area in the Mühlviertel

 (C) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, A. Bohner


Recording degraded moorland areas in Austria and assessing their suitability for regeneration

Bohner Andreas (2024 - 2026)
Institute 2 - Crop Production