Organic cattle breeding (C) Edina Scherzer

    The “next generation” in the cattle barn

    Organic cattle breeding (C) Edina Scherzer

    The “next generation” in the cattle barn

    was initiated HBLFA deals with the topic of “ organic cattle breeding How crucial the importance of careful, individual bull selection is for the cattle population of tomorrow has been and will be explained in webinars, podcasts and soon also in workshops. - Get active and be there!

    Organic cattle breeding webinar series

    Four out of five webinars have already been held in front of a very large online audience. The speakers offered impressive contributions to the topic and conveyed sustainable knowledge and interesting facts. The fifth webinar will take place on October 23rd, 2024 at 7 p.m. Click here for the program and registration: Future and innovation of sustainable Austrian organic cattle breeding - BIO AUSTRIA (

    Organic cattle farming podcast series

    Successful farmers who make breeding decisions every day present their own approach to organic cattle breeding in an interview with Edina Scherzer and explain what the company's focus is.


    Focus group meeting for youth

    focus groups will be held on the very interesting organic farms of the Haider (Waldviertel, Lower Austria) and Viehhauser (Kleinarl, Salzburg) families on October 23rd, 2024 and October 30th, 2024, -Meetings for young (including future) breeders take place. Ernst Grabner is an independent consultant and will share his many years of expert knowledge of cattle breeding. In addition, the managers provide an insight into their philosophies.

    In addition to the exchange of experiences among the participants, there will also be the opportunity to practice animal assessments and mating decisions themselves. You can find more information about the program and registration here: Dates - Farmers - BIO AUSTRIA ( 

    You can find an overview of the entire project and other project activities at the following link: Animal production - BIO AUSTRIA (



    Scherzer Edina, DIin

    DIin Edina Scherzer

    Scientific project assistant
