Pöllinger-Zierler Alfred, DI, department head
Domestic economy
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8952 Irdning-Donnersbachtal
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Head of Internal Economics Department

Assessment of process technologies, stable housing systems, creation of expert reports

Indoor mechanization technology (hay drying, manure removal, feeding)

Farm mechanization (feed preservation, feed removal, feed handling)

Technology for spreading manure (stable manure, compost spreaders, environmentally friendly, precise spreading of liquid manure)

Forage-friendly grassland harvesting and care techniques (mower conditioners, assessment of harvesting systems, mulchers, reseeding devices)

Lessons: agricultural technology and construction


Practical seminar: Sowing and composting soil

On Wednesday, October 2, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., the practical seminar will examine the question of how to create optimal soil for sowing and raising young...

Manure testing facility Raumberg-Gumpenstein: Manure additive testing - why?

There are a variety of additives for liquid manure - either already used in feeding (feed additive), or added to the walkway...

i2connect project group visits the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

EIP Bergmilchvieh i2connect Excursion The detailed analysis of the EIP “Mountain Dairy” project was the focus of the three-day visit by the delegates...

Nutrient losses under different storage conditions of broiler manure and laying hen manure

Broiler manure and laying hen manure are valuable and nutrient-rich farm fertilizers that require special measures in their storage and use...

Results from the EIP project mountain dairy cattle

In the EIP project Mountain Dairy Cattle, innovative structural solutions for dairy cattle stables as well as pioneering alternative business development...

Sustainable food management through knowledge of agricultural animal husbandry

The job of food manager often forms the link between agriculture and consumers. It is of great importance to have well-founded...

Survey on animal husbandry in Austria - TIHALO III

The HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein was commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management (BML) to...

Animal - Technology - Environmental Conference (TTU Conference) on 14/15. May 2024

The Institute for Animals, Technology and Environment at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein invites you to the first specialist conference “Animal - Technology - ... on May 14th and 15th, 2024.

Review of the manure trade day 2023 - rethinking manure management

More than 80 farmers came to the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein on Friday, September 1st under the motto “NEW thinking about commercial fertilizer management!”

Completion of the project “Measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions”

The project report describes agronomic improvement options that can be used to continue food production in the agriculture sector.

Manure expert day 2023

The manure specialist day will take place at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein on September 1st, 2023. ...

EIP mountain dairy cattle – results on animal welfare potential

Small-scale mountain dairy farming, which is widespread in the Austrian Alpine region, faces major challenges. ...

EIP project mountain dairy cattle

This EIP project was about the further development of husbandry systems for promising dairy farming in mountain areas - development...

Visit of the WKO - QM responsible for the food trade

On Friday, July 8th, a small but fine delegation from the WKÖ, quality management department in the food trade, visited the HBLFA Raumberg...

Raumberg-Gumpenstein farm animal protection conference

This year's Raumberg-Gumpenstein farm animal protection conference took place on May 18, 2022. ...

Valuable results for mountain companies

Small farms in disadvantaged mountain areas make a valuable contribution to preserving the cultural landscape and food supply...

Full house - mountain dairy cattle conference - review

Small-scale mountain dairy farming faces major challenges. As part of the mountain dairy cattle conference at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstei...

FarmLife BD - Biodiversity assessment concept

The aim of the FarmLife Biodiversity (FarmLife BD) project was to develop a system for assessing the effects of different agricultural practices...

Emission reduction through manure additives - results for "Mooseck Sohle 6-7"

Project goal: Various manure additives will be investigated for their emission and odor reduction potential, for product use in...

Manure additives and their emission reduction potential

Project goal: With the practical approach of the research project, practical solutions for reducing emissions should be derived from the results...

Climate Change - Adjusting Fertilization - 03. Podcast

What can fertilization technology achieve? However, due to climatic changes, the duration of hot and dry periods is increasing...

InnovationFarm LIVE

The Innovation Farm presented the latest technical developments using a live broadcast. In the subsequent panel discussion...

SlurryCollect - collection robot for manure removal in cattle stalls - opportunities and limits

The Lely Collector manure removal robot removes feces and urine from the floor surface of cattle stalls. ...

Siloschani environmental protection in feed preservation

The mobile silo cover system from Agrotel contributes to the efficient use of resources on the farm. By using a...

EmiGrass nitrous oxide measurement in grassland

The European Green Deal is a concept presented by the European Commission with the aim of reducing net emissions of fuel in the EU by 2050...

Reducing ammonia emissions – what needs to be done?

According to an EU directive (NEC directive), fine dust should be reduced by 50% by 2030. Ammonia, along with other harmful gases, is a precursor...

Innovation Farm Raumberg-Gumpenstein - residual pollution investigation

As part of the Lely Collector use case, a residual contamination investigation was carried out at two test farms. ...

Innovation Farm Raumberg-Gumpenstein - gas measurements

As part of the Lely Collector use case, gas measurements of the pushed-off area were carried out at two test farms. ...

ÖKL webinar “Low-emission liquid manure application”

The ÖKL webinar on the topic of “Low-emission liquid manure spreading” will take place on Thursday, April 22, 2021, from 1:30 p.m. to around 4:00 p.m. ...

Innovation Farm – new use cases are being worked on

Project goal The Innovation Farm project deals with new technologies, trends and developments and makes them suitable for agriculture...

Farminar: Grassland Day 2021 – manure spreading and soil testing

At the start of the 2021 grassland season, the Styrian Chamber of Agriculture, in cooperation with the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, is organizing a grassland...

The liquid manure spreading technology “must” be adapted in the next few years!

The spreading of liquid manure is becoming more and more of a nuisance for the civilian population. Was manure previously applied to the area in autumn and spring...

Six variable round balers on the test bench!

In the 2020 harvest season, six variable round balers from well-known manufacturers were put to the test. The investigations were led by...

First manure testing system in operation

The first Austrian testing facility for manure additives recently went into operation at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein....

Austrian mountain dairy farms in focus

The management of green spaces in mountainous regions is invaluable. After all, this is also a guarantee...

Economic efficiency of hay drying

Improved methods of forage preservation have always been the focus of grassland practice and grassland research. We keep getting questions...

Economic efficiency of hay drying

Improved methods of forage preservation have always been the focus of grassland practice and grassland research. We keep getting questions...

Deadly hydrogen sulfide from the manure storage facility

In addition to high demands for environmental protection and increasingly scarce resources, agriculture is also increasingly forced to...

Videos of specialist lectures at the 2019 organic conference

The HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein Organic Institute was able to welcome more than two hundred interested conference participants from...

Emission-related, process-related and forage production-related evaluation of various manure distribution techniques in grassland

An evaluation of the impacts of emission technology, process management and feed production in various liquid manure distribution techniques in meadow...

Test of the pickup rake technology from Reiter and the new round baler “Impress” from Pöttinger

Test of pickup swathing- and a round bale press technology From the perspective of optimal fodder preservation, the harvesting of grassland fodder should be done without...

Assessment of the slip resistance of different rubber mat coverings

Assessment of skid resistance of different rubber floor in free stall barns Many products for rubberized walking areas in stables, especially in outdoor...

Survey on manure management from agricultural animal husbandry in Austria

Surveys on manure management from agricultural livestock farming in Austria An Austria-wide survey on manure management with the...

Emission-related and fodder assessment of various manure spreading techniques on grassland

Evaluation of different slurry spreading techniques on grassland With six different spreading techniques (three wide spreading techniques: impact head...

Assessment of compost quality, microbiology and odor and ecosystem-relevant emissions in compost stables for cattle

As part of this project, emissions measurements were carried out on 23 dairy farms in three different seasons (summer, autumn and winter)...

Nutrient contents and losses of poultry manure under different storage conditions

Be able to define nutrient content values ​​of poultry manure more precisely - basis for “The Guidelines for Proper Fertilization” Edited by...

Emissions optimization of manure removal in cattle stalls

Recognize and accurately estimate the reduction potential of (climate and) ecosystem-relevant emissions by increasing the slider frequency. ...

Assessment of the slip resistance of stable floors

The slip resistance or sure-footedness of activity areas plays an important role for people and animals in preventing accidents. For cattle is...

Evaluation of the ÖPUL measure “Low-loss application of manure” and assessment of covering systems for manure storage facilities

Gaseous emissions from animal husbandry are increasingly leading to conflicts when it comes to building permits for new stables or during operational...

Studies on the feed quality of fermented hay

Determination of fermented hay qualities under precisely defined conditions with different dry matter content values ​​of the wilted feed. Comparative...

Round balers compared in terms of feed quality for hay and silage

Round bale technology has been an integral part of the agricultural harvest chain for over 20 years. More than 15 years ago it began...

Odor emissions from biogas slurry and how they can be reduced using additives

Biogas production has received new, decisive incentives since the ELWOG was amended, and many plants are to be built in the coming year...

Mounted forage harvester as an alternative to the self-propelled forage harvester, the loading wagon system or bale chain

The forage harvest on grassland is usually not only associated with short periods of good weather and the resulting high productivity, but...

Gaseous emissions from a sloping floor stable for fattening pigs

Gaseous emissions from animal husbandry have been a concern for several years from a climate protection perspective (methane, nitrous oxide,...

Practical examinations of tedders suitable for mountain use

Forage harvesting technology in Austria is also characterized by increasingly larger machines and devices (self-propelled mowers, 12 m rotary tedders, 14 ...

Manure composting and application to fields and grassland

In a joint project at BAL Gumpenstein with the short title “Composting of manure and application on grassland and fields” we...

The mower conditioner with wide swath storage

The forage harvest from grassland is tied to a short period of time, especially during the first cut, in order to achieve good forage quality. If short sh...

Evaluation of different hay ventilation systems in practice

The requirements for feed quality are particularly high in specialized dairy farming. When preserving feed,...

2319: TMR: storage silages

Investigations into the fermentation and silage properties of storage silages from total mixed rations

2348: SupGIS

GIS as a control and optimization system for sustainable food and energy supply

2371: Hay drying

Influence of the preservation process of meadow fodder on nutrient losses, feed value, milk production and milk quality

2382: StaBoSan

Assessing the slip resistance of stable floors and testing suitable renovation measures

2398: Milk efficiency

Influence of the direction of use and live mass of dairy cows on the nutrient efficiency, environmental impact and economic viability of milk production

2400: EmiScrap

Emissions optimization of manure removal in cattle stalls

2426: WiPrax

Transfer of scientific knowledge into agricultural practice

2433: BioOptiGL

Optimization strategies to increase the efficiency of organic permanent grassland operations

2927: Mower conditioner

The mower conditioner with wide swath deposit - studies regarding drying behavior in the field and on the forage stock, silage properties, fodder quality and power requirements in comparison to conventionally harvested fodder

3268: WT: Comparison of harvesting methods

Investigation of efficient harvesting processes on grassland (chopper chain - short-cut loading wagon) taking into account throughput, feed quality, silage properties, compaction, organizational effort and process costs

3526: WT: round bale drying

Influence of the baling density and pressing systems on the feed quality in silage and hay round bales in round balers with variable baling chambers

3603: WT: Top hay

Influence of management and certain ÖPUL measures on the roughage quality of Austrian farms

3606: WT: Power paddock

Investigation of current-carrying paddock fences in horse husbandry with regard to animal welfare

3636: WT: Beev comp

Assessment of compost quality and odor and climate-relevant emissions in compost stables for cattle

3637: WT: BeRubb

Assessment of the slip resistance of different rubber mat coverings

3638: WT: Pickup rake

Testing the pickup rake technology with regard to earthy forage contamination, raking losses, swath shape and area performance

3661: WT: EmiSpread

Emission-related and fodder assessment of various manure spreading techniques on grassland


Surveys on manure management from agricultural animal husbandry in Austria

3675: WT EmiImi2030

Evaluation and implementation of measures in agriculture to achieve the NEC goals 2030