Manure testing facility Raumberg-Gumpenstein: Manure additive testing - why?

HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Manure testing facility Raumberg-Gumpenstein: Manure additive testing - why?

There are a variety of additives for liquid manure - either already used in feeding (feed additive), or sprinkled on the walkways and/or lying areas, or stirred directly into the manure storage. The objectives for this are always very similar - with manure it is essentially about reducing odor and ammonia emissions.

With regard to achieving the objectives of the NEC guidelines, it is hoped that there will be great potential in manure treatment. That is why the first practical system for testing manure additives went into operation at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein in October 2020. After verification and standardization of the test containers and the measurement technology, the first product was able to pass through the measuring system. A product from the “rock powder” category was examined. This liquid manure additive is intended to reduce ammonia and odor emissions and show its effect in the first 1.5 hours. After the end of the measurement period, a “minor” reduction in ammonia emissions can be shown, although the statistical analysis did not reveal a significant difference between the two variants.

We have summarized further information and details for you in the document below.


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