Review of the manure trade day 2023 - rethinking manure management

Project manager

Under the motto “ NEW thinking about manure management !?”, over 80 farmers came together at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein on Friday, September 1st to exchange ideas intensively with the researchers on this topic. Together with the Liezen District Farmers' Chamber , the Maschinenring and the Landmarkt Technik Center in Aigen, the event was organized and carried out by Alfred Pöllinger-Zierler and his team.

Impressions from the Manure Expert Day 2023

Impressions from the Manure Expert Day 2023

 (C) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, M. Kandolf

In the introductory lecture, the topics “ Value of manure”, “Ammonia Reduction Ordinance and Necessary Measures for Agriculture ”, “ Manure Separation – Opportunities and Limits ” and, above all, the topic “ Ground-level manure spreading – what needs to be taken into account ” were analyzed and presented in a practical way.

Afterwards, the topics were discussed in station operations

  • Long-term fertilizer trials at the HBLFA,
  • Agricultural technical solutions for manure treatment and application and
  • Manure additives - what they can and cannot do, presented.

The complex of questions surrounding manure separation – sense or nonsense? was demonstrated practically after the lunch break and the possible applications were critically discussed.

In the afternoon, the field demonstration was presented with a demonstration of semi-automated soil sampling by the machine ring and the various distribution technologies with Duplo nozzle, Dragfix and liquid manure hoses on the test field.

On this day, 85 interested farmers received comprehensive information about the current challenges associated with modern manure management. Detailed information is provided below and you can also browse and download the presentation "Industrial fertilizer management - rethinking?!" below. We would like to thank the BK Liezen, the Maschinenring and the Landmarkt Technikcenter Aigen for their good cooperation and support.

Download Alfred Pöllinger-Zierler presentation

Pictures from the manure conference

Films from the manure conference

Towfix system



Perwolf system



Duplo nozzle 15m



Baffle plate



Soil samples - semi-automatic collection



Information relevant to the topic