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  • Evaluation of the ÖPUL measure “Low-loss application of manure” and assessment of covering systems for manure storage facilities

Evaluation of the ÖPUL measure “Low-loss application of manure” and assessment of covering systems for manure storage facilities

Gaseous emissions from animal husbandry are increasingly leading to conflicts when it comes to building permits for new stables or in the course of business expansions. When it comes to ammonia emissions relevant to the ecosystem, agriculture is not only affected but also the main cause. The increasing use of free-stall housing in the area of ​​cattle farming and the ongoing trend towards manure farming and the increase in milk production result in higher emission rates despite falling numbers in the area of ​​cattle farming. The aim of the project is, among other things, to obtain an overview of the quantities of liquid manure (manure, manure, biogas manure) that are currently applied close to the ground.

Furthermore, the emission reduction potential should be calculated and the implementation obstacles analyzed. In a second part of the project, the implementation options for manure storage covers will be shown and a technical and business assessment will be carried out.

The project goals are:

  • Estimating the potential of the amounts of manure to be applied close to the ground
  • The assessment of the actual emission reduction effect of the ÖPUL measure “Low-loss application of liquid manure”
  • Estimation of the future development of the amount of manure applied close to the ground
  • Assessment of the potential for emission reduction effects of manure cover systems
  • Assessment of the practical feasibility and obstacles of flexible manure covers
  • The assessment of the covering systems in terms of their costs (investment and operating costs)

 Source: HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein/A. Pöllinger


Evaluation of the ÖPUL measure “Low-loss application of manure” and assessment of covering systems for manure storage facilities for the adaptation of the “Modernization of agricultural operations” measure

Pöllinger Alfred (2010 - 2011)