
    Agricultural cultural heritage in Austria

    As part of the FAO's GIAHS program - Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems, traditional agricultural systems worth preserving were also identified in Austria.


    Performance and meat quality of Angus young cattle

    Meat quality is becoming increasingly important among the local population. It is therefore important for young cattle producers to take steps to improve meat quality. Which meat quality as well as fattening and...


    Research project on bioaerosols in livestock farming

    Research project on bioaerosols in livestock farming - publication of two studies in well-known journals

    Influence of delayed concentrate feed supply and once-daily milking around calving on organic dairy cows

    Project goal: In dairy cows, a significant lack of energy can have negative effects on performance and health. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of three concentrate feeding strategies (C) around birth and...

    Development of an animal welfare assessment system for implementation in the farm management tool FarmLife

    The topic of animal welfare is becoming increasingly important in agriculture but also in social discussions, both nationally and internationally. It is divided into the strategy of sustainable and overall business assessment...

    Regionality in a Nutshell

    Your area of ​​responsibility begins where you see the church tower. Regionality has many facets.

    Organic breeding that goes further

    They should get old, use the feed well, be suitable for grazing and fit in with the farm - cows on an organic farm.

    AgriTrain meets FarmLife

    The idea for a short webinar for the purpose of exchanging experiences emerged from two didactic approaches for teaching in agricultural schools. On January 14th, 2021, in a cooperation between the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, the...

    Animal-friendly farrowing

    At the Institute for Organic Agriculture in Thalheim near Wels, research was carried out on a new farrowing house for organic pigs. Organic farmer Martin Moser is one of the first in Carinthia to use these innovative farrowing crates on his farm.

    Angus and Fleckvieh×Angus young cattle from suckler cow husbandry

    In a cooperation project between the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein and the Hohenlehen Agricultural College (Lower Austria), the gains as well as the carcass and meat quality of Angus and FleckviehxAngus young cattle from...

    Branded meat from the alpine pastures – survey of alpine farms

    A new branded meat program for alpine products is being developed - the opinion of the alpine farmers is now being sought!

    Odor and ammonia emissions from poultry farming

    Odor and ammonia emissions from poultry farming using different emission reduction strategies A significant influence on ammonia and odor emissions from livestock farming has been proven...

    Partial final report of larval breeding for animal feed production

    Emissions from broiler fattening & larval breeding Under the leadership of the Environmental Research Institute of Global 2000, an intensive examination of...

    Analysis of the efficiency of measures to reduce greenhouse gases

    Analysis of the efficiency of measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions In the project to “Analyze the efficiency of greenhouse gas reduction measures” around 100 different measures for Austrian agriculture were...

    BIO INSTITUTE ANNUAL REPORT – Publications as well as research and implementation activities 2020

    With the Bio-Institut annual report and newsletter we allow us to inform ourselves about our diverse organic activities at the Bio-Institut of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein.

    Biodiversity assessment on farms: concepts, models and application in life cycle assessment

    The overview of the approaches shows that the topic of biodiversity assessment and advice at farm level has developed significantly in recent years.

    Re-establishment of extensive grassland to promote biodiversity

    Re-establishment of extensive grassland to promote biodiversity and essential ecosystem services Since the middle of the 20th century, the proportion of ecologically valuable, richly flowering extensive grassland has...

    Preservability of soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens)

    Preservability of soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) through fermentation and its potential in broiler fattening Project aim: Research into the preservability of soldier fly larvae through fermentation with and without additives....

    FarmLife - the educational box for agricultural schools

    The first project that deals with the implementation of an interdisciplinary educational concept on the topic of sustainability assessment in agriculture in the relevant schools in Austria was launched in autumn 2020...

    Focal Point “Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System” (GIAHS)

    Agricultural production systems of global importance worth preserving - Agricultural cultural heritage in Austria: Focal Point "Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System" (GIAHS) program of the FAO


    Thoughts on Christmas from Daniela Vockenhuber

    Now it's here, the long-awaited Advent season with all its lights, the smell of cinnamon, cloves and gingerbread and the crackling of the fire in the oven. And then there is the visit to the many Advent markets throughout the country. But wait, no, this year there is...

    Hunter Conference 2021 - canceled!

    On behalf of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein and on behalf of the program committee of the Austrian Hunters' Conference, we unfortunately have to inform you that the Austrian Hunters' Conference 2021 cannot be held due to the corona pandemic.

    Circular milk production in Lungau

    As part of the EU project “Circular Agronomics”, six case studies are used to try to better understand the C, N and P cycles in agriculture, increase the efficiency of nutrient use and thus...

    Sheep go online

    It was not just the date, Friday the 13th, but the general situation in connection with Corona, which required a new way of holding the 11th sheep farming conference.

    Bio on the web

    We are currently living in very challenging times and this also affects the agriculture and food industries. In recent months, seemingly forgotten questions have gained importance again:

    Federal Minister Köstinger visits her research facility

    Federal Minister Elisabeth Köstinger was impressed by the research work at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein and discussed it with the school's high school graduates. Finally, she also visited what is currently under construction...

    They research so that all animals have pigs

    The federal and state governments dig deep into their Tasch for animal welfare stables. But who decides what is animal friendly? A tour of the stables provides information.

    Pasture ambassador – successful training

    On Tuesday, October 20, 2020, 34 farmers and teachers successfully completed the seven-day pasture practitioner training. This course was organized by Bio-Austria in collaboration with the Bio-Institut der...