Focal Point “Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System” (GIAHS)

Agricultural production systems of global importance worth preserving - Agricultural cultural heritage in Austria: Focal Point "Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System" (GIAHS) program of the FAO

Project GIAHS

Project GIAHS

 Project GIAHS


  • Establishment of the GIAHS Focal Point in Austria, in accordance with the mandate of the BMNT
  • Coordination with BMNT and other programs (UNESCO, Leader)
  • Announcement of the FAO GIAHS program in Austria
  • Creation and maintenance of a website
  • Conducting workshops
  • Development of a tender process (2 stages) with all necessary documents
  • Content and administrative support of possible applications by stakeholders
  • Recognition of at least one “agricultural production system of global importance worth preserving” by the FAO

Project idea

"GIAHS" stands for "Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems" and translates as "an agricultural production system of global importance worth preserving". This global importance should be seen in the sense that they must be role models for other countries.

Austria is rightly proud of its traditionally small-scale and diverse agriculture. As part of the FAO's GIAHS program, traditional agricultural systems worth preserving should also be identified and preserved in Austria. In addition to traditional knowledge, this also includes the landscapes shaped by them and their biodiversity. The entire system of agriculture, ecology, economy, history and culture should be preserved in the long term through sustainable management and adapted protection.

GIAHS project


The submission of project applications is coordinated by the BMLRT Dept. II/10, support is provided by the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein. The actual application must be prepared “bottom-up” in accordance with the FAO specifications by a local sponsoring organization with direct participants on site. This means that the costs and resource expenditure lie mainly with the applicant. The supporting or advisory activities by the HBLFA must be coordinated with the superior office (BMLRT) if increased time is required.

Some application ideas were also not suitable for submission as GIAHS; appropriate feedback was given and, if possible, alternatives were shown, such as submission as intangible cultural heritage.

The number of inquiries regarding planned submissions was limited, meaning that coordination of the GIAHS application preparation to create a proponent committee was not necessary.

The HBLFA's help in submitting a GIAHS application was and is technical and administrative support. In addition to evaluating the application idea, there is also scientific support and review of the draft.

Here you can find further information about the focal point: Agricultural production systems of global importance worth preserving - agricultural cultural heritage in Austria

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