Thoughts on Christmas from Daniela Vockenhuber

Now it's here, the long-awaited Advent season with all its lights, the smell of cinnamon, cloves and gingerbread and the crackling of the fire in the oven. And then there is the visit to the many Advent markets throughout the country. But wait, no, there are no Advent markets this year!




How are you supposed to prepare for this Christmas season without visiting Advent markets, drinking punch and mulled wine, with waffles in your hand, while pushing your way through the crowds? Or the hustle and bustle of shopping for the last Christmas presents, baking countless types of cookies and in between organizing the Christmas menu? How now – so this is the contemplative time?

Actually not and as much as being together at a stand or at a Christmas party is sociable and we will certainly miss it this time, Christmas will be different this year. Which of you last experienced this festival and especially the time before it with all your senses without thinking about when and where you would be invited to the holidays? Most of the time it is associated with a lot of stress - self-made, of course. What is actually important at this time and, above all, how can you use the free time you have to get into the Advent mood and then be ready for the festival? Maybe a winter walk without a cell phone just with family or friends; personal, self-made gifts would also be an idea. Or how long has it been since a Christmas card was sent – ​​handwritten, mind you.


That's why - what could be nicer than thinking about someone while you're making a gift and already enjoying it yourself? Because what is really important - and this doesn't just apply to the Christmas season - is the gesture and it is not necessary that a gift has to be big and expensive. Because what counts is thinking of someone and the joy of giving them. Whatever Christmas looks like for everyone this year – it will be special as always. Because this day only comes once a year and it's not just children who are already looking forward to the afternoon when the candles will be lit on the tree in the evening. It's also an experience for adults, even if it's just to watch the others marvel at the sea of ​​lights or then unpack their personal gifts and enjoy them.

Christmas packages

You should consciously enjoy this time and think about what is important in life. Because these are family and friends who are there for each other and with whom you can experience a lot of beautiful things - like Christmas.

With this in mind, I wish you a contemplative and quiet Advent season, wonderful hours with a cup of tea, the warming light of a candle and, above all, a merry Christmas!


Vockenhuber Daniela

Daniela Vockenhuber

Animal husbandry systems, technology and emissions