Huber Reinhard
Sheep and goat farming
Altirdning 11
8952 Irdning-Donnersbachtal
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+43 3682 22451-281
+43 3682 22451-210
+43 664 916 86 05
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More information
  • Experimental technician in the sheep and goat department
  • Coordination of the practical process as well as constant experimental support
  • Supervision and monitoring of computerized data collection
  • Programming of subject-specific problems relating to experimental projects (data structuring, evaluation, interpretation)
  • Specialist excursions, participation in specialist exhibitions, answering inquiries
  • Lesson: Agricultural practice

Training for sheep and goatherds 2025

Extensive grazing with small ruminants in the Alpine region is of great ecological, social and economic importance. That's why...

Llama and alpaca seminar on pasture and feed management

Exclusively for members of the LARA Lama and Alpaka Register Austria association - Association of Austrian llama and alpaca owners - there will be a...

Imparting knowledge for qualified staff on alpine pastures with small ruminants and guided pasture management: setting up a modular basic training for sheep and goatherds in Austria (GeWeid)

Extensive grazing with small ruminants in the Alpine region is of great ecological, social and economic importance. That's what...

Raumberg-Gumpenstein at the Long Night of Research in the Palmenhaus Vienna

On May 23, 2024, we presented our specialist station on biodiversity and alpine pastures at the Long Night of Research in the Palmenhaus Vienna. This v...

Crash course for shepherds on sheep and goat pastures

Shepherds have to cope with a wide range of tasks in alpine farming and need comprehensive knowledge of how to implement them in practice. In a...

Electric fence action day - electric fence instead of barbed wire

On March 8, 2024, the Electric Fence Action Day will take place at the LFS Kobenz together with the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein. ...

1. Workshop on pasture animal tracking with GPS tracker – Pasture GPS

On January 26th, 2024, the 1st Weide-GPS workshop took place at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, where Reinhard Huber welcomed 26 participants. Besides the...

GPS pasture animal tracking - 1st workshop

The first workshop on equipping grazing animals with GPS transmitters deals with the practical application and communicating the status of the...

EU4 Shepherds project on the home stretch

Innovative training for shepherds and sustainable pasture management - instruments for sustainable management of rural areas...

High-tech on the pasture – sheep farming with GPS

Alpine farming is very important in Styria. Around 15,000 cattle and 10,000 sheep are kept in Upper Styria alone. To...

Wolfsriss in the Enns Valley – the emergency team was no longer necessary after the herd was completely lost

On the night of May 8th to 9th, 2023, two sheep were killed 30 meters next to a farm in Oberstuttern (municipality of Mitterberg-St. Martin)...

Herd protection day at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

On April 29, 2023, an event took place in Raumberg-Gumpenstein, "Fence, Shepherd, Dog and Herd" in theory and practice as part of the LIFEstockP project...

Every time has its fence - Electric Fence Day March 25, 2023 in Bad Mitterndorf

Every time has its own fence. In the past it was the wooden fence, replaced by barbed wire, today the electric fence is considered the state of the art. In order to...

Pasture fences: Electrically equipped for the future

Pasture fences are a traditional part of pasture management: They guarantee the safety of grazing animals when the large...

11th specialist conference for goat farming 2023

On Friday, November 10, 2023, the 11th specialist conference for goat farming will take place as a hybrid event at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Grimmingsaal...

Successful cooperation between the LFS Grabnerhof, the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein and the Austrian Center Bär, Wolf, Luchs

In October 2022, the newly created course for “Agricultural Skilled Workers with a Focus on Alpine Farming and Shepherding” took place at the LFS Grabnerhof...

Valuable content on the topic of alpine farming at the 12th Sheep Farming Conference on November 11, 2022

The conference, which is usually dedicated to current topics in sheep farming, has this year for the first time a supplementary block on alpine farming...

13th specialist conference for sheep farming

On Friday, November 8th, 2024, the traditional sheep farming conference will take place again at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein as a hybrid event...

HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein's first herd protection course for its students

As part of the LIFEstockProtect project, the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein is a herd protection competence center, which caters for 50 students and 3...

3. Newsletter - Project EU4Shepherds

The 3rd newsletter is online and provides information about further steps and key data of the EU4Shepherds project. ...


Project goal: Innovative training for sustainable herd management...

Expert meeting on the topic of herd protection in Raumberg-Gumpenstein

On July 25th and 26th, representatives of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, the Austrian Bear, Wolf, Lynx Center and experts from AGRIDEA Switzerland met...

Workshop - Project EU4Shepherds

The next workshop is for March 5-7. July 2022 planned at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein. More information coming soon! ...

Newsletter - Project EU4Shepherds

The 2nd newsletter is online and provides information about further steps and key data of the EU4Shepherds project. ...

Course - grazing season with LIFEstockProtect herd protection training begins!

Courses on implementing effective herd protection measures start in time for the grazing season as part of the LIFEstockProtect project. ...

Review - Electric Fence Action Day

Electric fence instead of barbed wire...

Electric fence action day - electric fence instead of barbed wire

The electric fence often gives the first impression of the farm - electric fences have different tasks. ...

LIFE WolfAlps EU: Meeting with young hunters

Project goal: Improved coexistence of wolves and humans in the Alpine region...

First deployment of the Austria Central predator emergency team, the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

First aid after Wolfsriss as a result of the international project WolfAlpsEU in collaboration with HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein and the Austrian...

EU4Shepherds – training for shepherds on sustainable land use in Europe

Project goal: The HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein is a partner in the Erasmus+ project “EU4Shepherds – Innovative Training for Sustainable Shepherds”. Target...

SlurryCollect - collection robot for manure removal in cattle stalls - opportunities and limits

The Lely Collector manure removal robot removes feces and urine from the floor surface of cattle stalls. ...

Siloschani environmental protection in feed preservation

The mobile silo cover system from Agrotel contributes to the efficient use of resources on the farm. By using a...

EmiGrass nitrous oxide measurement in grassland

The European Green Deal is a concept presented by the European Commission with the aim of reducing net emissions of fuel in the EU by 2050...

Studies on possible animal-related and environmental influences on the burden of pasture parasites in sheep

The present project aims to investigate the burden of pasture parasites in sheep. The central question is whether there are animal-specific...

The start of grazing increases the risk of attacks by large predators

With the start of grazing, the potential risk of attacks by large predators on our farm animals increases...

Branded meat from the alpine pastures – survey of alpine farms

A new branded meat program for alpine products is being developed - the opinion of the alpine farmers is now being sought...

Sheep go online

It was not just the date, Friday the 13th, but the general situation in connection with Corona, which necessitated a new way of holding the 11th...

Studies on pasture feed intake by dairy goats on areas of different botanical composition

Pasture feed is the most cost-effective form of animal nutrition. However, depending on the topographical conditions, the nutrients in the pasture...

LIFE WolfAlps EU: Coordinated measures to improve wolf-human coexistence in the Alpine region

LIFE WOLFALPS EU is a best practice project: considering that 90% of large carnivore populations in Europe cross borders...

11th Sheep Husbandry Conference 2020 - Online

The 11th specialist conference for sheep farming will take place as a webinar...

Find grazing animals quickly with GPS technology!

The advantages of modern location technology are obvious, as they are used by millions of users every day via Google Maps to find their location and route...

Innovative alpine pasture management through targeted grazing with sheep for the sustainable management of the Alpine cultural landscape

The development of land management in the alpine regions is dramatic. In view of this fact and the expected need for a...

Innovative alpine pasture management through targeted grazing with sheep – second alpine summer

On May 30, 2009, 715 sheep and lambs were raised on the Hauser Kaibling as part of a leader project by the Styrian Sheep Breeding Association...

2356: Quality lamb

Production of slaughter lambs with “premium quality” through the use of the best basic feed

2357: AGRAM

Innovative alpine pasture management through targeted grazing with sheep

2369: Turbo Lamb

Quality lamb production with dairy-oriented dams (F1) using the basic feed as efficiently as possible

2411: Dairy Gheep

Influence of feeding dairy sheep and goats on the nutrient efficiency, environmental impact and economics of milk production compared to dairy cows

2423: MastEfficiency

Dairy cattle types in bull fattening - performance, meat quality, efficiency, economics and environmental impact of 3 Holstein Friesian genotypes and Simmental cattle

2432: DairyMast

Fattening ability, slaughter performance and meat quality of offspring from dairy sheep and dairy goat farming

2459: WiPraX II

Transfer of scientific knowledge into agricultural practice II

3268: WT: Comparison of harvesting methods

Investigation of efficient harvesting processes on grassland (chopper chain - short-cut loading wagon) taking into account throughput, feed quality, silage properties, compaction, organizational effort and process costs

3578: WT: goat pasture

Feed intake, milk production and parasite load of dairy goats kept in stables or part-time pasture

3582: WT: FuMiZu

Influence of phytogenic feed additives on performance parameters in fattening lambs

3604: WT: EpgMilk

Influence of different deworming regimes on the excretion of parasite stages and on the milk production of goats

3649: WT Alm20

Feed value, phenology and stand structure of alpine pastures in a 20-year comparison

3686: WT WeideGPS

GPS collars as an innovative herd protection instrument in pasture farming