HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein's first herd protection course for its students

    Project manager

    Huber Reinhard

    Reinhard Huber

    sheep and goats

    As part of the LIFEstockProtect project, the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein is a herd protection competence center , which organized a herd protection course for 50 students and 3 teachers. Some of our students are farm takeovers or come to various institutes where decisions or advice for agriculture are involved. The content of the course was the new challenges in pasture and alpine farming with the focus on the construction of a herd protection fence.

    Making professional wire connections is a challenge

    Making professional wire connections is a challenge

     (c) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

    Using examples from their own businesses, the students demonstrated the problems of alpine and pasture farming . A priority point is global warming with its effects on water balance, feed quantity and feed quality over the course of the grazing period. The pathogens at higher altitudes and the increasing bush cover due to the declining stocking density in many alpine pastures also play a role. Another problem is that qualified staff for alpine farming is difficult to find or is not affordable for small alpine pastures. And now the big predators are returning to stay.

    The population sizes of the large predators in neighboring countries and here show what effects this has and why we protect our farm animals The attacks on livestock in the different regions of Austria prove that the wolf, as the most mobile species, has the greatest potential to spread.

    According to the students' opinions, fencing off the entire alpine pasture is not a solution, which is why new strategies need to be worked herding or the use of livestock guard dogs In addition to protecting farm animals, there must also management for the large predators , otherwise their return will be the last straw and companies will give up alpine farming, or even worse, lock the stable doors. All participants demanded that there needs to be more support and help.

    The course participants agreed that herd protection should take place where it can be implemented immediately. 40% of cracks occur in valley pastures and this needs to be stopped. The existing fence systems should be built or improved . For this purpose, we practiced building the fence with T-posts that have the necessary power supply and grounding.


    Driving in the T-posts

    Practicing assembling the wire with the insulators