Current research

The Gumpenstein test areas are buzzing

The Gumpenstein test areas are buzzing

Since April 2021, three bee colonies have been located at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein test field and are looked after by employees of the Institute for Plant Production and Cultural Landscape.
Feeding value of invasive neophytes?

Feeding value of invasive neophytes?

Due to the rapidly increasing and high proportions of structural substances (NDF: 450 to 700 g/kg DM) and lignin (ADL: 70 to 150 g/kg DM), the feed quality of the three selected neophyte species is comparable to moderate...
Ö1 reports on the “superfood” lentils

Ö1 reports on the “superfood” lentils

As part of the “ABC of Food Plants” series, Ö1 recently presented the lens. Daniel Lehner from the Bio-Institut helped shape the article. The small, promising and healthy legume is used, among other things, in the project...