Zentner Eduard, engineer, department head
Animal husbandry systems, technology and emissions
Altirdning 11
8952 Irdning-Donnersbachtal
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+43 3682 22451-370
+43 3682-22451-210
+43 664 134 52 14
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Head of department

  • Influence of husbandry practices, stocking density, litter, feeding technology and water supply on the stable climate
  • Development of the minimum building physics requirements for the different ventilation systems
  • Studies on the hygienic assessment of stable ventilation systems
  • Determination of the air permeability of materials for pore ventilation
  • Determination of reproducible parameters and parameters for stable climate assessment
  • Development of procedures for making air flows visible
  • Conception of measurement programs and procedures for determining foreign and harmful gases in the stable air
  • Quantification of odor and noise emissions from livestock farming
  • Review of the minimum conditions under livestock welfare law from a technical and legal perspective
  • Analysis, interpretation and evaluation of the applicable livestock welfare standards
  • Lessons: Agricultural technology and construction as well as rural development

Poultry research

In addition to the pig research stable, the Institute for Animals, Technology and the Environment operates a stable for investigating gaseous emissions (ammoni...

Research on the topic of emissions/immissions at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

The Institute for Animals, Technology & Environment deals with emissions and immissions that arise in livestock farming and lead to conflicts...

Testing techniques for air conditioning in stables

The Animal Husbandry Systems, Technology and Emissions Department is a testing center in accordance with Section 8 Paragraph 1 of the Specialist Centers/Husbandry Systems Ordinance (FstHVO) for...

Testing of hose ventilation systems for climate optimization in livestock stables

Modern animal husbandry systems must meet the individual needs of the animals and enable economical and ergonomic work...

Project IBeSt_Plus “Evaluation of Austrian pig fattening stables with different husbandry systems with regard to animal welfare and economics”

The IBeSt+ project is a legally anchored/required research project that was started in November 2023. The implementation...

Animal welfare and emissions reduction - (not) a contradiction - 46th Podcast

Animal welfare stable reduces emissions in the same way as exhaust air purification In what is Austria's largest research project to date in the pig emissions sector, ...

Visit to the Styriabrid in Raumberg-Gumpenstein

On November 21st, Styriabrid officials went on an excursion to Raumberg-Gumpenstein. The 14 participants were initially welcomed by Birgit Heidinger...

Results of the “Farm4More” life project

Both climate change and the increasing demand for animal-based foods pose significant challenges for society and...

Results of the “Farm4More” life project

Both climate change and the increasing demand for animal-based foods pose significant challenges for society and...

Animal - Technology - Environmental Conference (TTU Conference) on 14/15. May 2024

The Institute for Animals, Technology and Environment at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein invites you to the first specialist conference “Animal - Technology - ... on May 14th and 15th, 2024.

Tips for the existing poultry house - 38th Podcast

Making existing poultry houses climate-friendly Heat stress can be a major problem for poultry farming during the hot summer months...

New technology for the stable - project two-fluid nozzle system

A novel system for spraying water and versatile additives can help reduce dust pollution in littered livestock stables...

Project meeting EIP-Agri SaLu_T

On June 5, 2023, all stakeholders involved in the project met at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein for a final meeting of the “Clean...

Pig farmers well informed

On May 24, 2023, 25 pig farmers from Styria visited the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein for a specialist excursion with the topic “Current ...

Heat stress in pig herds - 15th podcast

Heat stress in pig herds - effects and potential With regard to animal welfare and animal protection, cooling in the area of ​​breeding sows is...

Scientific publication on the EIP-AGRI project SaLu_T

The first promising results from the EIP-AGRI project SaLu_T were recently published in an international scientific journal. U...

New husbandry system for fattening pigs

As part of the EIP-Agri project track, a new housing system for fattening pig farming was examined in the SaLu_T project. ...

Agriculture Emissions Assessment Conference 2023

The 2023 Agriculture Emissions Assessment conference will take place at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein on Tuesday, March 28, 2023. ...

The new climate-fit cattle barn - 08. Podcast

What you should definitely pay attention to when building a new cattle stable. The planning of a stable already determines whether the climate parameters...

50 years of Styriabride

Colleagues from the Animal Husbandry Systems, Technology & Emissions department took part in the 50th anniversary on Saturday, August 27th, 2022, at the invitation of Styriabrid...

Raumberg-Gumpenstein farm animal protection conference

This year's Raumberg-Gumpenstein farm animal protection conference took place on May 18, 2022. ...

Review of the online information day on the topic of “stable and hall construction”

On Thursday, March 17, 2022, the online information day on the topic of “stable and hall construction” took place by Haas Agrarbau. ...

Farm Animal Protection Conference 2022

The traditional livestock protection conference will take place again at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein on May 18, 2022. ...

Video – Farm4More Life Project – This is being researched

Climate change and the increasing demand for animal foods are major challenges for the earth and humanity. The agriculture...

EIP project SaLuT – Clean air in animal production

High emissions and the resulting immissions regularly lead to conflicts with neighbors and pose a threat to Austrian livestock...

Raumberg-Gumpenstein construction conference 2021 - review available

This year's Raumberg-Gumpenstein construction conference took place from 19th to 20th. May 2021 as a web conference. ...

Heat stress in cattle farming

Review LANDWIRT online seminar Cattle Day 2021 on May 26, 2021 on the topic: "Cooling, ventilating, shading: What you can do structurally" ...

Podcast with Ing. Eduard Zentner on the topic of stable development

As part of the AMA marketing, Mr. Ing. Eduard Zentner was interviewed by the media partner "Über den Tellerrand" on the topic of "Stable development in agriculture...

Summer, sun, heat stress: This is how your cattle stay productive

Online seminar cattle specialist day...

Web conference construction conference Raumberg-Gumpenstein

This year's Raumberg-Gumpenstein construction conference will take place from 19th to 20th. May 2021 as a web conference. We would like to warmly invite you.&nbs...

Odor and ammonia emissions from fattening pig farming using different emission reduction strategies

Project PigAir II From an environmental perspective, livestock farming is in focus when it comes to “the polluters” and demands...

Odor and ammonia emissions from poultry farming

Odor and ammonia emissions from poultry farming using different emission reduction strategies A significant influence...

Partial final report of larval breeding for animal feed production

Emissions from broiler fattening & larval breeding Under the leadership of the Environmental Research Institute of Global 2000, the...

Online specialist conference on emissions assessment for agriculture 2021

Webinar on the topic “Emission assessment in livestock farming” ...

They research so that all animals have pigs

The federal and state governments dig deep into their pockets for animal welfare stables. But who decides what is animal friendly? A tour of the stable provides information...

Pilot project experimental stable: exhaust air scrubber for fattening pig stalls

From an environmental perspective, livestock farming has been in focus for some time now when it comes to “the polluters” and demands...

First research project on bioaerosols in livestock farming

Currently, under the direction of the Diagnostics and Research Institute for Hygiene, Microbiology and Environmental Medicine of the Med. Univ. Graz, in cooperation...

Examination of a stable air generator for an emission-reducing effect in the animal area

Livestock farming in several Austrian federal states, and also in neighboring countries, is faced with enormous problems in terms of...

Investigation of a feed additive with regard to emission reduction and performance data

The aim is to research and establish emission-reducing options in the animal sector with a win-win situation for animals and the environment. D...

Investigation of a feed additive with regard to emission reduction and performance data taking into account the IPPC directive

The aim is to research and establish emission-reducing options in the animal sector with a win-win situation for animals and the environment. W...

Influences of different feed rations on emissions from poultry farming

The current discussion in the area of ​​agriculture, especially regarding fine dust, emissions, nitrates, etc., always leads to...

Investigation of ventilation systems in pig stables with regard to animal health

In a cooperation project between the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein with 25 agricultural businesses and the company Schirnhofer Ges.mbH,...

Assessment of farrowing crates - stable climate and thermoregulation behavior

In a large, modular project in collaboration with the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences...

Organic stable construction brochures

As part of a project by the Austrian Board of Trustees for Agricultural Technology and Rural Development (ÖKL), practical documents for the maintenance...

Use of a pig shower with regard to emissions, daily increases in pig fattening

In a preliminary test in 2005 at the HBLFA Raumberg - Gumpenstein, a self-built low-pressure pig shower was tested on the temperature behavior of...

Stables Approval Guide

One consequence of the rapid structural change in agriculture is that the number of animals in specialized livestock farms is becoming increasingly...

2398: Milk efficiency

Influence of the direction of use and live mass of dairy cows on the nutrient efficiency, environmental impact and economic viability of milk production

2400: EmiScrap

Emissions optimization of manure removal in cattle stalls

2425: PIGAIR

Minimizing emissions through exhaust air purification systems in pig fattening

2426: WiPrax

Transfer of scientific knowledge into agricultural practice

2458: Luquasta

Immission and emission measurements of bioaerosols in the area of ​​poultry and pig stables - sub-area HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

2459: WiPraX II

Transfer of scientific knowledge into agricultural practice II

3477: WT: Pig shower

Use of a pig shower with regard to emissions, daily increases in pig fattening

3577: WT: APC feed additive

Investigation of a protein-reduced feed mixture with included additive - APC - with regard to emission reduction and performance data

3594: WT: Delacon IPPC

Investigation of a feed additive with regard to emission reduction and performance data taking into account the IPPC directive

3623: BoxPos

Assessment of a new type of deep box with a rubber base using an animal positioning system

3630: WT: EmiProt

Odor and ammonia emissions from different rations from keeping young and laying hens, poultry and turkey fattening

3633: WT: Millet GKS

Influence of variety, stage of maturity and storage period of whole grain millet silage on fermentation gas composition and fermentation losses


Surveys on manure management from agricultural animal husbandry in Austria

3681: WT insect larvae

Preservability of soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) through fermentation and their potential in broiler fattening