LIFE WOLFALPS EU is a best practice project: considering that 90% of large carnivore populations in Europe are transboundary and that management at this level is rarely practiced, LIFE...
Agricultural production is directly dependent on the climatic conditions and therefore the emerging change in the climate represents an enormous challenge, especially for this sector. Many of the weather and...
The development dynamics of plant populations is influenced by numerous management and location factors. The ongoing observation of this dynamic requires that the population remains unaffected and without...
The AgroMet-Monitor project brings together various research approaches on the topic of climate and climate change and their relevance for agriculture. In four sub-areas, based on long-term weather data and...
The DATALYS project developed an application that is suitable for integrating data from various sources (continuous data streams from sensors, manual input, laboratory results, computer models, etc.) into a unified, relational...
The suitability for cultivation, development and ultimately the yield of many agricultural crops are closely linked to the location factor of soil temperature. Appropriate modeling of temperatures at different soil depths forms the...
In this project, the climatic conditions, derived from the detailed investigations for the normal climate period 1971 to 2000, were analyzed for various parameters such as "low temperatures" or "soil water balance" for...
The thermal growing season as an evaluation of temperature trends was implemented in three different ways by combining temperature thresholds and temporal criteria. The methods worked on here are suitable...
Grassland is characterized by complex management with different plant populations and usage frequencies. Spatial modeling is only possible to a limited extent, so the focus for the estimation...
The yield on grassland areas is determined by an extremely diverse management and depends on different location factors. The weather and the resulting water availability as one of these...
The modeling of meteorological phenomena is caught between complexity and accuracy. Snow cover is no exception here; on the contrary, it depends on numerous influencing factors. A complete...
Application of opto-chemical methods to measure the oxygen concentration in the fermentation gas atmosphere of grass silage during the fermentation phase and under air stress after silo opening.