
Biodiversity and Agriculture - Common Solutions - 84th Podcast

What do we mean by biological diversity and what contribution does agriculture make? There are already many biodiversity-promoting measures that are being implemented in agriculture. The EU Renaturation Regulation is currently...


Evaluating meat quality in beef - 83rd Podcast

Meat quality is more than the EUROP meat and fat class. In Austria and the EU, beef carcasses are assessed and paid for according to muscle fullness and fat content. Even though many people know that meat quality is more than that,...


Red clover and alfalfa in cattle farming - 73rd Podcast

Recommendations for feeding cattle with red clover and alfalfa Clover and alfalfa are valuable plants - both on arable and grassland farms. They fit perfectly into the crop rotation and provide high-quality feed for...

A world without livestock farming? - 72. Podcast

What developments can be expected in livestock farming? Livestock farming has been a central part of agriculture and our food supply for centuries. In view of global challenges such as climate change,...

Alpine pasture management adapted to the location provides valuable ecosystem services - 71st Podcast

Important ecosystem services and their importance for biodiversity! Alpine pastures are very important in the Austrian mountain regions. Around 300,000 hectares of alpine pastures are cultivated, which accounts for over 10% of the agricultural...


“Vision 2028+” vision of the future for Austria’s agriculture and rural areas - 70th podcast

Where should Austrian agriculture develop? In this podcast episode we talk about the current challenges facing Austrian agriculture and rural areas: volatile markets, socio-economic...

Agricultural policy - a look behind the scenes - 69th Podcast

Almost weekly, new laws, regulations and guidelines are issued at national and international levels that affect farmers in their daily work. In the podcast episode you will find out which...

Growing rice in Austria - is it possible? - 68. Podcast

How can rice cultivation work sustainably in Austria? When we think of rice cultivation, we have images of flooded fields in our minds and we probably also think of regions in Asia. Today you will find out from us how rice is grown in...

Promoting animal health through optimal animal husbandry - 67th Podcast

Save costs and increase animal health - correct stable keeping and careful care make it possible! Animal-friendly husbandry conditions play a key role in animal health, animal welfare and performance. With...


Horse hay - what needs to be taken into account - 65. Podcast

What is the feed quality of horse hay? The approximately 130,000 Austrian horses require around 200,000 t of horse hay every year. That's around 20% of Austria's total hay production. Due to the special sensitivity...

Experiences with low-emission animal welfare stables for pigs - 64th podcast

Agriculture and forestry generates eleven times more energy than it needs. Energy-fit farms know their energy consumption and take active measures to remain competitive despite rising energy costs. The local...


Energy recovery through exchange scrubbers in the stable - 62nd Podcast

Eco-efficiency and emission reduction through exchange scrubbers in stables In cooperation with the University of Bonn, the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein was part of the research project “Use of the renewable energy source in an exhaust air purification system...

Clover and Alfalfa Grass - 60. Podcast

Field fodder - grassland in the field: all important aspects of culture from a plant growing perspective. Field fodder stocks made from legumes and grasses are the basis of every balanced crop rotation and are part of it like the rest...

Graded use in permanent grassland - 59th Podcast

Graded grassland use attempts to combine economy and biodiversity. It is not crucial to turn all grassland areas into a flower meadow, but rather to achieve a high level of biodiversity throughout the entire farm....

Berkshire Pigs in Austria - 58th Podcast

Palate deluxe - the irresistible taste experience of Berkshire pork! The Berkshire pig, which is one of the oldest pig breeds in Europe, originally comes from England. This is a...

Dairy cattle breeds in fattening - 57th Podcast

Using calves from our dairy breeds sensibly in our own country. Simmental cattle, which make up around ¾ of all cattle in Austria, are a dual-purpose breed and are therefore popular both on Austrian dairy farms and among cattle fatteners....