Current research

Blooms as far as the eye can see

Blooms as far as the eye can see

Our plant cultivation employees are currently traveling all over Austria to assess a wide variety of wildflower meadows. Wildflower meadows are not only beautiful to look at, but also an important habitat and food source for...
FarmLife educational tool for agricultural schools

FarmLife educational tool for agricultural schools

Sustainability assessment in agriculture as a trend-setting aspect in food production should be given (even) more emphasis in lessons in the future. In order to provide our students with a professional focus on environmental...
Austrian grassland gene bank

Austrian grassland gene bank

Ex-situ preservation of the plant genetic diversity of the Austrian extensive grassland. Grassland areas that were previously mown once or twice have either been abandoned in recent decades, resulting in the emergence of other plant communities -...
First research project on bioaerosols in livestock farming

First research project on bioaerosols in livestock farming

Currently, under the direction of the Diagnostics and Research Institute for Hygiene, Microbiology and Environmental Medicine of the Med. Univ. Graz, in cooperation with the Stmk Office. State government department 15 and with the participation of...
Blooming Riverbanks - biodiversity on the banks

Blooming Riverbanks - biodiversity on the banks

Strips of water and forest edges are usually neglected in the cultural landscape. They are often overgrown by neophytes or are mowed down. Due to missing or irregular water edge strips, water bodies are insufficiently...
Iris meadows show themselves in their full splendor

Iris meadows show themselves in their full splendor

Iris meadows with the Siberian iris and star daffodil as key species were once defining elements of the cultural landscape in the Central Styrian Ennstal. The colorful, herb-rich meadows are populated in moderately moist to...
Assessment of soil quality

Assessment of soil quality

The suitability of a grassland area for a certain type of management and intensity of use depends crucially on the soil. The individual grassland soils differ in terms of yield potential, yield security,...
The cow dung under the magnifying glass

The cow dung under the magnifying glass

Healthy, fertile and productive animals are the wish of every farmer. In order to achieve this goal, a lot of things about the company have to fit together or be optimized. Comfortable, well-air-conditioned stables,...