Carnival Christian, DI
former research assistants
Altirdning 11
8952 Irdning-Donnersbachtal
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+43 3682-22451-366
+43 3682-22451-210
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Planning and carrying out scientifically based exact tests in the field of "Nutrition of ruminants", and statistical evaluation and interpretation of the test results taking into account international and national specialist literature. Furthermore, publication and dissemination of the knowledge gained (lectures, training courses, seminars, etc.). Supervision and technical supervision of diploma and doctoral candidates and scientific cooperation with universities and specialist organizations (at home and abroad). Scientific evaluation and interpretation of studies on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism

Effects of keeping dairy cows on short grass or paddocks on individual animal and area performance

More milk in paddocks or short grass pastures? Each grazing system has its specific advantages and disadvantages. In dry conditions, paddock pastures are less...

Effects of keeping dairy cows on short grass or paddocks on individual animal and area performance

More milk in paddocks or short grass pastures? Each grazing system has its specific advantages and disadvantages. In dry conditions, paddock pastures are less...

Digitalization as a tool in climate change - 25th podcast

How can innovative digital technologies make us more climate-fitter? Using modern methods of data collection and networking,...

New ÖAG information for agriculture - animal observation with sensor systems

The world is becoming more and more digital and our farms can also benefit from it. ...

Optimization of the ration with the help of vital parameters: New use case with Smaxtec and Hetwin

With the direct recording of health data inside the cow, the rumen bolus revolutionized the health monitoring of dairy cows in practice...

Project P4Heat: Development of a reliable heat detection tool for combination husbandry

Heat detection systems are already widely used in dairy farming. The common systems are suitable for combination husbandry due to the lack of...

HypoCaMot project – detecting milk fever early with the help of rumen motility

The current options for predicting milk fever (hypocalcemia) for individual animals are limited. Laboratory diagnostic parameters that ...

New EU project: agrifoodTEF

Artificial intelligence will change the way we live and therefore the way we produce our food. ...

Book publication “Practical Precision Livestock Farming”

As part of the "Pansens4" project, a book entitled "Practical Precision Livestock Farming. Hands-on experiences with PLF...

Digital VetMed seminar in Raumberg-Gumpenstein

On June 2, 2022, a Digital VetMed seminar for 30 students from the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna took place in Raumberg-Gumpenstein. At L...

WEBINAR: InnovationFarm seminar for practitioners

Topic: Sensor-based “heat detection and health monitoring on dairy farms” ...

Innovation Farm and digitalization

The Innovation Farm project deals with new technologies, trends and developments and makes them visible for agriculture,...

Online event - Innovation Farm Live

As part of the Innovation Farm project, new technologies for agriculture are tested and clearly presented for practitioners. ...

InnovationFarm LIVE

The Innovation Farm presented the latest technical developments using a live broadcast. In the subsequent panel discussion...

What is the Innovation Farm doing?

On the virtual Research Day, the BMLRT organized a panel discussion under the motto “Science meets practice” with experts...

SlurryCollect - collection robot for manure removal in cattle stalls - opportunities and limits

The Lely Collector manure removal robot removes feces and urine from the floor surface of cattle stalls. ...

Siloschani environmental protection in feed preservation

The mobile silo cover system from Agrotel contributes to the efficient use of resources on the farm. By using a...

EmiGrass nitrous oxide measurement in grassland

The European Green Deal is a concept presented by the European Commission with the aim of reducing net emissions of fuel in the EU by 2050...

Innovation Farm Raumberg-Gumpenstein - residual pollution investigation

As part of the Lely Collector use case, a residual contamination investigation was carried out at two test farms. ...

Innovation Farm Raumberg-Gumpenstein - gas measurements

As part of the Lely Collector use case, gas measurements of the pushed-off area were carried out at two test farms. ...

Innovation Farm – new use cases are being worked on

Project goal The Innovation Farm project deals with new technologies, trends and developments and makes them suitable for agriculture...

Effects of short grass or paddock grazing of dairy cows on individual animal or area performance

Pasture farming has become more important in recent years; in organic farming it is of central importance and imperative...

Effects of short grass or paddock grazing of dairy cows on individual animal or area performance

Pasture farming has become more important in recent years; in organic farming it is of central importance and imperative...

Digital technologies on family farms - online conference

The online conference on the topic of “Digital technologies on family farms” took place on October 22nd and 23rd, 2020. Lots of interesting bits...

First “Innovation Farm Partner Day” was a complete success!

Since the beginning of the year,...

Digital technologies on family farms - webinar

Digital solutions for rural agriculture. Contributions from research and practice await you. Thursday, October 22, 2020, 9:00 a.m. -...

Questions and answers on the topic of “Smart Farming”

When filming on the topic of “Smart Farming” for the breakfast format Café Puls, {mosperson:466:Fasching Christian, DI:link} (HBLFA Raumber...

Record rumination time for individual animals

The smaXtec system collects data using a sensor located directly in the cow's rumen. From the inside of the cow, animal health-relevant...

Digital is awesome!?

Advancing digitalization offers agriculture the opportunity to automate work processes on the farm...

2370: PanSens II

Effect of different basic feed qualities on parameters of the rumen juice of cattle

2371: Hay drying

Influence of the preservation process of meadow fodder on nutrient losses, feed value, milk production and milk quality

2386: Farmlife

Individual life cycle assessment of agricultural businesses in Austria

2398: Milk efficiency

Influence of the direction of use and live mass of dairy cows on the nutrient efficiency, environmental impact and economic viability of milk production

2407: GRP

Influence of the preservation process on the feed value and milk production of meadow forage

2423: MastEfficiency

Dairy cattle types in bull fattening - performance, meat quality, efficiency, economics and environmental impact of 3 Holstein Friesian genotypes and Simmental cattle

2437: PanSens4

Relationships between rumen pH and blood parameters in dairy cows depending on body condition in the peripartum period

3623: BoxPos

Assessment of a new type of deep box with a rubber base using an animal positioning system

3643: WT MIR ration

Influence of ration composition on the mid-infrared spectrum of cow's milk

3671: WT P4Heat

Assessment of heat detection systems using milk progesterone testing