livestock protection fence; Herd guard dogs
(c) A. Blaschka

Herd protection is becoming more and more important

(c) A. Blaschka

Herd protection is becoming more and more important

For livestock farmers, caring for their grazing animals has always been the focus. While the last 150 years have been about keeping herds together through appropriate measures and protecting them from dangers such as storms or pasture parasites, now with the return of the wolf, herd protection is becoming more important. Depending on the situation, herd protection includes many different measures to prevent grazing livestock from being damaged by predators. The HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein also tries to bring herd protection closer to farmers and workshops are even offered where you can get an insight into how a herd protection fence is set up or how this system works and how much can really be prevented with it.