Current research

Automatic milking systems and organic pasture

Automatic milking systems and organic pasture

The use of automatic milking systems (AMS) is becoming increasingly important in dairy farming. In organic farming, grazing is used during the growing season. The combination of pasture farming with...
Paddock or short grass pasture?

Paddock or short grass pasture?

In a pasture-based feeding system, the pasture area becomes the feeding table. As with stable feeding, the ration on this feeding table must be checked regularly. In addition to the...
“Recent Results” - Milk fingerprinting and feeding

“Recent Results” - Milk fingerprinting and feeding

In order to ensure the quality of special milk programs (pasture milk, meadow milk, hay milk, etc.), but also to better describe the environmental factors in breeding value estimation, the possibility of using easily obtained...
Video about the ÖAG manure brochure

Video about the ÖAG manure brochure

The ÖAG organic specialist group published a practical brochure on the use of manure in organic grassland. The brochure can be ordered from the Austrian Association for Grassland and Livestock at cost price...
Food efficiency in cattle fattening

Food efficiency in cattle fattening

Intensive cattle fattening, as we know it from US feedlots, perform unfavorably in terms of food efficiency. Significantly more food-grade feed is fed here than is ultimately returned to food through the beef...
Biodiversity - use land or increase diversity?

Biodiversity - use land or increase diversity?

As part of the ÖPUL measure, many farmers have committed to creating biodiversity areas in grassland. An international study now looked at the question of what influence usage has on the diversity of species.