Cattle in the pasture
HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein/Häusler

Feed intake and milk production of dairy cows kept in stables or on hourly pastures

HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein/Häusler

Feed intake and milk production of dairy cows kept in stables or on hourly pastures

In recent years, however, there has been a renewed interest in pasture in grassland regions, because under certain production conditions (organic farming, hay milk production, "low input", etc.), adapted pasture farming systems can compete economically with year-round stable farming.

Rising energy and feed costs in particular, as well as falling or fluctuating milk prices, are a strong motivation to address the issue. Pasture feed is by far the cheapest feed and can score points with its high energy and protein content. Pasture farming is considered a very animal-friendly husbandry system and it contributes to the preservation of our cultural landscape. Food produced on pasture is characterized by high product quality and is highly accepted by consumers who are becoming increasingly critical.

As part of a project in Raumberg-Gumpenstein, the effects of incorporating pasture feed into the ration of a dairy farm in a grassland area were investigated.

Häusler Johann, Katja Bachler and Andreas Steinwidder (2019): Feed intake and milk production of dairy cows kept in stables or hourly pasture.
Breeding Science, 91, (4) pp. 249–269, 2019, ISSN 0044-5401, © Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart.