Current research

Eco-efficiency of dairy farms in the Mur and Mürztal

Eco-efficiency of dairy farms in the Mur and Mürztal

In 2021, the research group “Eco-Efficiency of Agricultural Production Systems” developed a new methodological concept for the eco-efficiency assessment of agricultural operations and presented it as part of a peer-reviewed paper...
Animal Highlighted Article - February 2022

Animal Highlighted Article - February 2022

The technical article "Short confinement of sows after farrowing, but not pen type affects live-born piglet mortality" by Dr. Heidinger Birgit and Dr. Kristina Maschat as the first author was named “Highlighted Article - February 2022”...
2nd Organic Livestock Day 2022

2nd Organic Livestock Day 2022

The second Austrian Organic Livestock Day will take place this time on Friday, April 29th at the HBLA Origin in A-5161 Elixhausen in Salzburg. It's all about successful and location-adapted organic animal husbandry.
FarmLife BD - Biodiversity assessment concept

FarmLife BD - Biodiversity assessment concept

The aim of the FarmLife Biodiversity (FarmLife BD) project was to develop a system for assessing the effects of different forms of agricultural management and management on biodiversity on the farm...