Euroscola online meeting in Raumberg 2021

    On April 16, 2021, a unique online meeting took place in Raumberg in the 2ALG and 4U classes.



     Georg Weinhandl 2ALG

    The 2ALG reports - facts on the sidelines

    Well over 25 schools were logged in and over 200 people were actively involved. It invited the European Parliament to the web-based Euroscola event. Every year, the European Parliament invites students and schools (this year online due to Covid-19) from all EU member states to take part in this unique project. The opportunity is offered to discuss selected European topics such as migration, the environment or democracy. This year the focus was on digitalization in order to discuss future possibilities, possible threats and concerns with a responsible representative from the EU. We also had the opportunity to speak to the Vice President of the European Parliament for about an hour, Dr. Othmar Karas, interested students were able to present their questions via live chat or live video, which were then carefully discussed and clarified. It was also possible to actively participate in the discussion live from the participating schools. The aim of this two-hour online session is to provide a unique opportunity to gain insights into the European Parliament and also to understand how decision-making processes take place at these levels of the EU.

    However, the intercultural exchange between the schools should not be ignored. In this way, cooperation can be strengthened, especially in these times. This lecture was extremely important in order to further develop one's own perspective and horizon.

    Many thanks to Prof. Pieslinger, Prof. Kalss and Prof. Breitenbaumer for the preparatory measures, for this excellent meeting, which we will certainly have positive memories of.

    Text and images: Georg Weinhandl 2ALG

    A review of the 4UR by Xaver Fößleitner

    The Euroscola was held on April 16, 2021. Euroscola is an event hosted by the European Parliament that enables young students from all EU member states to discuss various topics with each other. This event usually takes place directly in Strasbourg at the European Parliament.

    This year, due to Corona, this unique spectacle was held online. At the beginning, the President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli, spoke to us students. In his speech he mentioned that we will be faced with big decisions and tasks in the future. For example: climate change, technology and internet development, etc. That's why we need interested, competent and visionary people who take on these challenges.

    During this event, students from many nations were able to ask questions of politicians in the European Parliament. Through Euroscola we were able to get to know many different and interesting impressions. Euroscola is truly unique in this respect and shows us how important and meaningful our democracy is.

    Professor Dr. Herwig Pieslinger concludes with this

    It is also worth mentioning that EP Vice-President Othmar Karas, who comes from Austria, answered live questions from young people from all over Europe for an hour.

    Prof. Dr. Pieslinger