One consequence of the rapid structural change in agriculture is that the number of animals in specialized livestock farms is becoming ever larger. This exacerbates the usage conflicts between the animal owners and the...
Around the time of calving and in the following first 6-8 weeks of lactation, dairy cows are exposed to particular stress, which leads to an increased occurrence of metabolic diseases, especially ketosis...
The project aims to examine the influence of the particle length of grass silage on feeding and rumination behavior, rumen physiology as well as feed intake and nutrient supply. Further information
Experiences and results of the research project BAL 12 01/98 (influence of pasture or stable keeping on green fodder intake) showed that climatic effects (particularly high daytime temperatures) increase the feed intake of pasture cows...
The project aims to examine the suitability of grass and corn silage for organic pig fattening. Both biological performance data and meat quality parameters (intramuscular fat content, meat color, melting point...
At the Wels-Thalheim site, around 30 breeding sows are housed under organic farming conditions to provide piglets for research purposes. Both free farrowing and group suckling are practiced. The stables were...
Representative semen depots are created from at least 25 father animals that are as closely related as possible to all 30 Austrian rare farm animal breeds worthy of preservation.
The primary goal of the Moarhof agricultural resources is to provide an optimized basis for planning and implementing all precise tests as well as to ensure an intact teaching operation for the practical teaching of...
The overarching project goal is the creation and further development of location-related know-how on the basis of suitable transfer attempts, combined with a rapid, efficient and, if possible, loss-free transfer of the...
The demand for energy crops has increased worldwide and interest in these crops is enormous. However, there are hardly any results available about the cultivation of such plants from the Alpine region.