
Ration calculator for sheep and goats

Ration calculator for sheep and goats

Free ration calculator for sheep and goats - allows you to put together a needs-based ration for ewes, goats and fattening kids. The calculation is done via Excel and is easy to carry out in 4 steps.
Studies on the feed quality of fermented hay

Studies on the feed quality of fermented hay

Determination of the fermented hay qualities under precisely defined conditions with different dry matter content values ​​of the wilted feed. Comparative assessment of the feed quality using analytical and sensory methods to create...
Testing the feed value of Austrian dry stillage

Testing the feed value of Austrian dry stillage

The Pischelsdorf bioethanol plant produces around 140,000 tonnes of dried grain stillage as a co-product every year. The dry stillage from Pischelsdorf will fundamentally strengthen the Austrian protein feed market...