Research projects

Motherless rearing of dairy goat kittens with cow's milk

Kitten meat is of particular nutritional importance and the market potential is currently not exploited. For the organic dairy goat farm, there is no milk replacer for raising fawns and therefore the use of cow's milk is an alternative.

In dairy goat farming, it is necessary to raise the fawns without a mother because milk production is the main focus. Therefore, the possibilities of motherless rearing of dairy goat kids with warm cow's milk, warm cow's milk diluted, cold acidified cow's milk and cold acidified cow's milk diluted should be investigated.

Further information on project management can be found in the database for research and sustainable development (Dafne) -> Link

Raising fawns with cow's milk

Raising fawns with cow's milk

 HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein/Ringdorfer


Motherless rearing of dairy goat kittens with cow's milk

Ringdorfer Ferdinand (2007)