Research projects

Optimizing the protein supply of dairy goats through local protein feed

The optimization of feed rations in dairy goat feeding is becoming increasingly important. Satisfactory performance and high quality of meat and milk products can only be achieved with healthy, optimally cared for animals.

At certain performance stages, supplementary feeding of concentrated feed is necessary to ensure a needs-based supply. Concentrate feed prices have risen sharply recently, so its use in feeding needs to be carefully considered. In order to keep the proportion of concentrated feed in the ration as low as possible, the quality of the basic feed plays a special role. The protein components in concentrated feed are also often a question. The aim is to be independent of imports from abroad. If possible, local protein feed should be used. When producing bioethanol, stillage is produced as a by-product, which can be used in animal feed. The dried stillage is a protein-rich feed. As such, it is a very interesting alternative to the "standard protein feed" soybean meal in terms of both agricultural policy (added value domestically, reduction of export dependency) and nutritionally (high protein value for ruminants due to high protein resistance in the rumen). Taking into account the quality of the basic feed during rearing, fattening and lactation, the aim is to replace the soy content in the concentrated feed mixture through the use of by-products The effect of the stillage on animal performance in different performance stages can only be examined if there are no losses in performance or perhaps even improved performance through the use of the stillage, can it be recommended to feed it to dairy goats
in order to obtain precise data on nutrient utilization The ruminal degradability of the stillage used is determined with the help of in sacco tests on rumen-fistulated oxen. The digestibility of the stillage is determined in a mutton test. The raw nutrients are determined in the LFZ chemistry laboratory.

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local protein feed

local protein feed

 HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein/Ringdorfer


Optimizing the protein supply of dairy goats through local protein feed

Ringdorfer Ferdinand (2008 - 2010)