Pabst Stephan, DI
Economics and resource management
Altirdning 11
8952 Irdning
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03682 22451-384
03682 22451-210
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scientific Assistant

Discover the potential of your farm

Our Department of Economics and Resource Management, led by Christian Fritz, MA, drives innovative projects to ensure sustainability...

Family businesses from Austria and Argentina for sustainable agriculture

Exciting exchange visits took place between Argentine and Austrian family businesses last year and demonstrated the challenges...

Added value of mountain agriculture - highlights 2023

On Monday, November 13th, 2023, this year's highlight took place in the second...

The “Greenhouse-efficient organic milk production” project is entering its second phase

The first part of the project "Greenhouse gas-efficient organic milk production" - development of greenhouse gas reduction options on organic dairy farms...

Project added value mountain agriculture

FarmLife is used in the “Added Value Mountain Agriculture” project. This two-year EIP-Agri project (2022-2024) is a cooperation between Lan...

Added value of mountain farming in Upper Austria - survey and competition

Science and agriculture are working on business models for mountain agriculture...