Review - Raumberg-Gumpenstein construction conference 2023

This year's Raumberg-Gumpenstein construction conference took place from May 31st to June 1st, 2023 as a hybrid event (face-to-face & online).

Stable construction experts meet in Raumberg-Gumpenstein

The construction of stables for cattle, pigs and poultry requires a lot of specialist knowledge and comprehensive information on current developments. The Raumberg-Gumpenstein construction conference is always a meeting place for advice, teaching, representatives of authorities and everyone who is involved in the construction and furnishing of stables. This year, from May 31st to June 1st, 2023, numerous participants were again welcomed in the Grimming Hall of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein and, thanks to the contemporary hybrid format, also online in front of the screens. A number of national and international speakers were represented in the diverse specialist program.

Structural solutions to reduce emissions and ensure animal welfare in cattle farming were also part of the program, as were experiences with manure removal and milking robots, stable climate issues and photovoltaics. In addition, funding for greater animal welfare in the CAP, a new concept for fattening pig farming and current challenges in poultry farming were presented.

the program for a quick overview here; at the bottom you can browse through the conference proceedings directly.

Conference proceedings and lectures


Impressions from the construction conference


(Source: Kogler, M., HBLFA)

The 2023 construction conference was certified as a Green Meeting.

Certificate of construction conference 2023




To listen to - the released recordings of the presentations


Alfred Pöllinger-Zierler: Challenge of low-emission cattle barn construction - What can sloping floors and the like contribute?



Vitus Lenz: Structural solutions within the framework of the new funding standards for animal husbandry and ammonia reduction in cattle farming



Jakob Mariel: Amendment to the Industrial Emissions Directive - IED and the UVP-G-2000



Irene Mösenbacher-Molterer: Current findings from company visits on the stable climate in cattle farming



Thomas Lerchbaum: Photovoltaics and energy storage - instructions for an energy self-sufficient stable



Franz Wasserbauer: Automation in domestic economy - Can the power supply become a problem? - Suggested solutions!



Eduard Zentner: EIP AGRI-SaLu_T, new concept for fattening pig farming - introduction and stable climate



Christian Fritz: EIP AGRI-SaLu_T, New concept for fattening pig farming - economic efficiency/costs



Michael Kropsch: EIP AGRI-SaLu_T, new concept for fattening pig farming - study results on emissions



Konrad Blaas: GAP - stable construction and the promotion of greater animal welfare



Johann Schlederer: Stable construction costs and consequences for competitiveness on the international pig market



Markus Lukas: Current challenges in Austrian poultry farming and new findings for barn construction



Katrina Eder: Increased levels in poultry farming


Clean air in animal production

hundredweight Eduard (2020 - 2023)