Current research

ORF – “New maternity ward for organic pigs”

ORF – “New maternity ward for organic pigs”

The Institute for Organic Agriculture in Thalheim near Wels has developed a new wooden birthing station for organic pigs. A stable plays a key role today - and the wooden stable has a positive influence on the animals, according to the researchers.
Grazing meadows in spring?

Grazing meadows in spring?

Spring grazing on cut meadows is often recommended as a cost-effective method for cleaning up undesirably weedy areas. In early spring, meadows are cleared for a period of time that varies depending on the farm...
Who buys organic and why?

Who buys organic and why?

Not all consumers choose organic food equally often. There are large individual differences in desires and expectations regarding food production. But the living environment, income and education also play a role...
Video “Create pasture paths correctly”

Video “Create pasture paths correctly”

In organic farming and in mountain areas, cattle grazing plays a major role. But budding only works if the management is right. This includes animal-friendly, cost-effective and time-saving routes between pasture and...