When animals are kept on pasture, nuisance animals can cause distress to the animals, stress, transmission of diseases and a decline in performance. Means for repelling flies or reducing fly pressure (pour-on, ear clips, etc.) are...
Feeding appropriate to ruminants and adequate energy supply are the basis for good fertility performance. A study examined the significance of milk ingredients and blood results in this regard.
When used, harvested and distributed optimally, green fodder is very tasty, rich in protein and sugar, and contains many vitamins and valuable fatty acids. In addition, this concentrated feed helps save feed costs and it also increases...
The general conditions and knowledge about grassland have changed significantly in recent decades. On the one hand, today attempts are being made to save concentrates in ruminant feeding with the best basic feed, but on the other hand...
In grassland-based dairy farming, the aim is to achieve a high forage area output. In a three-year organic research project, full-pasture farming was compared with stable silage feeding.
The use of automatic milking systems (AMS) is becoming increasingly important in dairy farming. In organic farming, grazing is used during the growing season. The combination of pasture farming with...
The official meeting of the Upper Austrian official veterinarians under the direction of the state veterinary direktor Dr. Thomas Hain took place on October 23rd. in Wels.
The basis for good development and a long service life of cattle is laid in the first weeks of life. Animal-appropriate feeding and housing conditions play an important role.