ÖAG brochure organic calf feeding and cost-effectiveness
HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

New organic ÖAG info - organic calf feeding and cost-effectiveness

HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

New organic ÖAG info - organic calf feeding and cost-effectiveness

The basis for good development and a long service life of cattle is laid in the first weeks of life. Animal-appropriate feeding and housing conditions play an important role.

The article presents successful methods for raising calves on an organic farm. In addition, recommendations for mother-bonded rearing are also given and economic considerations for raising calves are presented.

A. Steinwidder, K. Wurm, V. Edler, S. Rudlstorfer (2017): Organic calf feeding and economic viability. ÖAG information 4/2017. Austrian Working Group for Grassland and Livestock Industry (ÖAG) Irdning, 24 pages.

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www.gruenland-viehwirtschaft.at or Ms. Elke Rüscher: Tel: 0043 3682 22451 349 or This email address is protected from spambots! JavaScript must be enabled to display.

Austrian working group for grassland and livestock farming
Raumberg 38, 8952 Irdning, telephone: ++43/(0)3682/22 451-349
E-mail: This email address is protected from spambots! JavaScript must be enabled to display., www.gruenland-viehwirtschaft.at