Automatic milking system

Automatic milking systems and organic pasture


Automatic milking systems and organic pasture

The use of automatic milking systems (AMS) is becoming increasingly important in dairy farming. In organic farming, grazing is used during the growing season. The combination of pasture farming with automatic milking systems poses particular challenges for operational, feeding and pasture management.

A research project was carried out at the Organic Institute of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein and a master's thesis (Michaela Sturm) was supervised in order to record the results and experiences of organic dairy farms combining AMS and pasture farming in Austria.

Building on this, an advisory document for organic dairy farms was developed in cross-border collaboration with organic advisory and research centers, taking current literature results into account. AMS and grazing works when the farm management is aligned and the operating conditions are suitable!
You can obtain further information on the subject of AMS and pasture farming of dairy cows via the following links (video article, excerpt from a current organic ÖAG advisory brochure, links to further information, etc.):

  • Final report Andreas Steinwidder et al. - Herd management on dairy cattle pastures using automatic milking systems (AMS) - Surveys on practical farms in Austria

{rsfiles path="General/Biological_Landwirtschaft_und_Biodiversitaet_der_Nutztiere/40_2017_ams_weide_Final Report.pdf"}

  • Conference paper Uwe Eilers et al. - Requirements and recommendations for the use of automatic milking systems (AMS) on organic farms with grazing (organic conference)

  • PDF of ÖAG Info (excerpt) - Organic pasture farming and AMS - This is how it works!

{rsfiles path="General/Biological_Landwirtschaft_und_Biodiversitaet_der_Nutztiere/40_2017_oeag_weidehalte_textauszug.pdf"}

  • Links or literature references
    • Plesch, G., Wittman, M., Laser, H. (2013): Pasture & milking robots - recommendations for practice on the research and development project "Use of mobile automatic milking systems and adapted strategies for dairy cattle grazing under the aspects of animal health, hygiene, milk quality and Resource optimization”. University of Applied Sciences South Westphalia, Department of Agriculture.
    • Philipsen, B., T. Derks, S. de Leeuw, J. Cornelissen (2015): Robots & Pasture. Five concepts for milking robots and grazing. Stichting Weidegang, Wageningen, 16 p.

    • Wechsler, B., I. Neuffer, S. Helmreich, L. Gygax, R. Hauser (2012): Automatic milking systems - aspects of animal welfare. ART report 752, 12th p.
    • Harms, J., Simon, J., Moser, P. (2008): Automatic milking systems I - circulation systems and planning principles. Worksheet, ALB Bavaria, 4 pages.
    • Harms, J., Simon, J., Moser, P. (2008): Automatic milking systems II - planning examples. Worksheet, ALB Bavaria, 4 pages.