Organic means...
HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein/Steinwidder

Organic youth study – exciting results

HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein/Steinwidder

Organic youth study – exciting results

The organic food industry has been developing very positively in Austria for years. Adolescents and young adults play a key role in determining the future development of the organic sector through their behavior, expectations and opinions about the organic agriculture and food industry.

The results of the first organic youth study in Austria are now available. To this end, young people and young adults (15-19 years and 20-25 years) were specifically asked about their attitudes towards agriculture and food production, their consumption and purchasing behavior, their wishes and expectations of the organic food industry and their organic food production. knowledge questioned. 2,993 completely completed questionnaires were received during the survey period.

The majority of the younger generation has an appreciative or very appreciative attitude towards organic agriculture and food production. She wants to further increase organic consumption in the future and supports the expansion of the organic agriculture and food industry in Austria.
Positive attitudes and appreciation increase the likelihood that behavior will be adjusted accordingly! There is therefore a very good basis for sustainably developing and expanding “organic” in Austria. Particular attention must be paid to the expectations and wishes of young people and young adults regarding the organic food industry. The present study results provide valuable basic data.

The organic study was carried out under the direction of the Bio-Institute of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, in collaboration with students and teachers from the HLBLA St. Florian and the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein as part of a diploma thesis.

Suggested citation:

Steinwidder, A., M. Fröhlich, R. Grünberger, J. Schmidinger, S. Stangl, LM Walcher, K. Krimberger and W. Starz (2018): Organic youth study “Organic agriculture and food industry in Austria - Attitudes, wishes, expectations and knowledge of adolescents and young adults”. Final report, Bio-Institute of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein 2018, 56 p.


- Thanks go to Bio-Austria for its collaboration in the study.
- For financial support of the competition, Yes! Of course, special thanks.
- The Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management is thanked for providing financial and human resources for research, advice and teaching.
- The study staff would like to thank all teenagers and young adults for their active participation in the survey.

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