Research projects

Evaluation of farrowing crates with the possibility of temporarily restraining the sow

Heidinger Birgit, Dr

Dr. Birgit Heidinger

Head of Institute for Animals, Technology and Environment

The permanent keeping of sows in crates, which has been practiced in Europe since the 1970s, has been the subject of repeated public debates in recent years, which culminated in an official review procedure by the Ombudsman to clarify the legal conformity of the 1st Animal Husbandry Ordinance.
The result of this public discussion was the amendment to the 1st THVO published on March 9, 2012.

These amended regulations stipulate, among other things, that from January 1, 2033, farrowing pens must have a minimum area of ​​5.50 m², with a minimum pen width of 160 cm. Furthermore, the sows may only be restrained to protect the piglets until the end of the “critical life phase” of the piglets. The crate stalls must be adjustable both laterally and longitudinally to the body size of the individual sows and at least half of the pen area must be allocated to the lying area of ​​sows and piglets.

The aim of this project is to evaluate farrowing systems developed/modified together with partners from science and practice with the possibility of temporarily fixing the sow with regard to clearly defined parameters. These include criteria for improving the welfare of the animals and animal care as well as economic and labor aspects - exclusively under the premise of conformity with the applicable legal regulations regarding animal husbandry and animal welfare. The overall project consists of the following 3 parts:

Project of the LFZ Raumberg-Gumpenstein for the “evaluation of farrowing crates with the possibility of temporarily fixing the sow” (Gumpenstein project) under the direction of Hausleitner Anton, HR Mag. Dr. and Heidinger Birgit, Dr.

Project of the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture on the “Further development of existing farrowing pens – practical part” (LK project) under the direction of DI Johann Stinglmayr

Vetmeduni Vienna project to “Investigate the critical life phase of suckling piglets” (Vetmed project) under the direction of Ass.-Prof. Johannes Baumgartner

The LFS Hatzendorf and the Gießhübl Pig Center are available as test farms in the Gumpenstein project. The scientific staff of the LFZ Raumberg-Gumpenstein also look after the practical farms involved in the LK project and collect data on these farms (clinical findings of the sows). For the continued existence of economical piglet production in Austria, it is particularly important to identify practical system alternatives at an early stage - in which the sows can move freely within defined periods of time - as well as suitable development opportunities in order to complete the restructuring in the industry by January 1, 2033 at the latest to be able to bring.

farrowing pen

farrowing pen

 Source: HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein/B. Heidinger


Evaluation of farrowing crates with the possibility of temporarily restraining the sow

Heidinger Birgit (2013 - 2016)
Institute 3 - Animal, Technology Environment