Prevalence study on endoparasites in cattle in Salzburg

    Endoparasitoses in cattle are a worldwide problem and, in addition to animal welfare problems, also lead to significant economic losses in milk and meat production. In addition to clinical symptoms such as weight loss, anemia,...


    Manure management – ​​from the stable to the application - 87th Podcast

    Efficient manure management: measures to conserve nutrients and reduce emissions

    Beyond the hype: Are we misunderstanding AI? - 88. Podcast

    Critical and solution-oriented when dealing with AI in agriculture


    “Vision 2028+”: We are helping to shape the future of agriculture

    On May 28, 2024, Federal Minister Norbert Totschnig announced the official conclusion of the “Vision 2028+” strategy process. Over eight months, a pioneering concept for agriculture and rural areas...

    Land use and climate change in Austria

    We would like to point out the publication of a current book as an APCC Special Report on the topic of “Land Use and Climate Change: Strategies and Challenges”.

    Basics and problems of silage preparation

    On May 15, 2024, the basics and various problems of silage preparation with regard to storage and removal were discussed with a feed manufacturer.

    RWA agricultural team day in Raumberg-Gumpenstein

    Text follows by Bernhard Krautzer

    Test page for explanations - formatting options

    meaningful, interest-inspiring introductory text, possibly with bold letters - then read on


    75th Plant Breeders Conference at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

    The Association of Plant Breeders and Seed Merchants of Austria, in collaboration with BOKU and the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, invites you to the 75th Plant Breeders Conference from November 25th - 27th, 2024 at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein. The...

    35 test_audiointegration - Podcast

    Karl Neuhofer, chairman of the ARGE Heumilch with his experiences in adapting to climate change Karl Neuhofer has been the successful chairman of the ARGE Heumilch since 2004. He is considered an expert and thought leader in Austrian agriculture. Already at 20...


    Creation of a wild meadow in the educational forest

    On the penultimate day of school in the 2022/23 school year, the first advanced course created a wild meadow in the teaching forest. Under the expert guidance of department head DI Lukas Gaier and his colleague Johannes Perner, an area of ​​around...