The soil and the stocks growing on it are the focus of ecological considerations. In addition, special attention will be paid to the change in tree species that will occur in the next few decades. Innovative reforestation concepts with the appropriate addition of hardwoods form the main part of the annual material, alongside traditional stand management concepts.
Particularly when it comes to stock rejuvenation, the possibilities of natural regeneration methods are discussed, which have proven to be economically viable. In the third year, the focus is on safe working techniques. Felling of thick and small wood and the removal of trunks, taking into account applicable safety regulations, make up a significant part of the annual activity. In keeping with this area, the basics of round wood marketing are explained. Insights into forest road construction, forest management plans and forest assessment round off the specialist area.
1 ALG: 2 hours per week
2L, 2U: 2 hours per week
3L, 3U: 2 hours per week