Wildlife ecology and hunting

In the subject of wildlife ecology and hunting, the basics of wildlife science are taught. Our main game species, roe deer, deer and chamois, form a large part of the material area.

Wildlife ecology

Wildlife ecology

 @HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

In addition, the lessons also deal with the most important species of game birds such as capercaillie, black deer and hazel deer. Ecologically important habitats of rare wildlife species are discussed. Strategies for preserving these habitats are also explained.

There is also the possibility of acquiring the qualification for taking the hunting test in the advanced event. This is held every May. The exam consists of a practical part, shooting and a board exam in which the theoretical content of game, weapons, ecology and law are tested. After successfully completing this test, the participants receive a certificate that entitles them to buy their first hunting card.

1.5 hours per week in classes 2L, 2U, 1ALG