ÖZW - Organic breeding information

The ÖZW takes particular account of the objectives and framework conditions of organic farming.

Organic farms pay attention to the ÖZW

Organic farms pay attention to the ÖZW

 Seed portions in liquid nitrogen

In the ÖZW, all ancestry and performance data of the insemination bulls from the areas of constitution (service life, calving and vitality, shape and udder) and performance (organic milk value, persistence and increase in performance, meat value) are summarized in one value with different weighting. Great attention is paid to fitness characteristics. When breeding according to the ÖZW, a much clearer breeding progress is achieved in the fitness area (fertility, udder health, calving process, useful life, etc.). In contrast, animals with high performance, early maturing lines and lines with very high individual animal performance and low persistence perform worse.

Further information about the revised ÖZW:


Information on the legal status of the ÖZW:

In the following areas you will find the current ÖZW bull selection lists for the Simmental and Brown Swiss breeds. The compilation of the ÖZW bulls contains two following bull lists for both breeds, depending on safety:

  • ÖZW-NK: This list contains offspring-tested bulls with medium and high security

  • ÖZW-GJV: For genomic young sires, the breeding values ​​are pre-estimated with practically no daughter performance and taking genomic information into account. The breeding values ​​therefore have a relatively low level of certainty. We recommend a particularly strict selection here.


You will also find an ÖZW list for both Fleckvieh and Brown Swiss, which inherit polledness. Please note the varying reliability of the breeding values ​​in these lists. We recommend a strict selection here too.

Current ÖZW bull lists

ÖZW – Simmental cattle


ÖZW – Brown Swiss


ÖZW polled sires for Simmental cattle and Brown Swiss (selection)


all downloads

Note on bulls with hereditary defects: Based on genomic studies, progress has been made in the detection of hereditary defects in recent years. In order to avoid or reduce to a minimum the occurrence of offspring with genetic defects, risky matings must be consistently avoided. We recommend not using bulls with known genetic defects.

Further information about the ÖZW and the ÖZW bulls

You can find detailed information about the ÖZW and the bulls via the following link on the LfL homepage:
